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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Compromise and Cooperation

Working together, compromising on issues is a big plus in all phases and levels of government. Cooperation and compromise hasn't been the norm lately but Jeffersonville leaders showed how it can be done in working out two recent issues.

 While The BatBlog isn't a big proponent of the Clark Co. airport expansion it was good to see the Jeff donation reduced by negotiations to $ 250,000 and not detract from the Holman Ln. project. Taxpayers will still be footing the bill for the majority  of funding but there was still a little give and take. The money will come from another fund (EDIT) but at least opposite sides worked out an agreement....

Kudos though go to Lisa Gill who stuck to her guns and was the sole Nay vote on new proposal funding the airport project. Lisa can be proud and hold her head high knowing she was the only councilperson with the character to be honest and vote what her constituents wanted. Much like the GCCS referendum if put to a vote of all county residents the expansion project would have gone down in flames as well...

Finally... another compromise was worked out between Jeffersonville and GCCS superintendent Melin over the 10th St. bus depot project. In exchange for millions of TIF funds Melin has agreed to build his new bus depot elsewhere...

The BatBlog is not real pleased with the results of either of these negotiations but at least lawsuits were avoided and compromise and cooperation were attempted which in the past hasn't always been the case...


  1. On the Chatter Kevin Vissing said the mayor was forced by Pence and other rep. higher ups to compromise on the airport or else. Any truth to that?

    1. I have no idea maybe Mike or Kevin will respond... You would think Pence would have more important things to do then micromanage every cities budgets.

      If it was so important to him (Pence) why didn't he throw in some of that state money on the expansion...he's always crowing how well off Indiana is...

    2. I have no idea maybe Mike or Kevin will respond... You would think Pence would have more important things to do then micromanage every cities budgets.

      If it was so important to him (Pence) why didn't he throw in some of that state money on the expansion...he's always crowing how well off Indiana is...

    3. The State did put money toward the project ...

    4. KV owned up and confessed on the CCC:
      "Pesty is absolutely correct! I regret making the comment about the governor. Thanks mayor! Thanks council!"

      The governor was not involved. The mayor did an excellent job.
      KV fessed up!

  2. Probably. Moore is burning a lot of Bridges

  3. What compromise? I vetoed any of the 4.6 million being used for the airport. We stood our ground and the veto stands. Holman Lane and all of Jeffersonville win. I appreciate the council reconsidering their earlier decision.

    Mike Moore

    1. I'm a little confused mayor aren't $250,000 dollars from Jeffersonville going to the airport expansion. I realize it's from a different fund (EDIT), but don't you consider that a little bit of a compromise ??? Aren't these still Jeffersonville dollars ???

  4. The EDIT money is taxpayer dollars that could have been used for Jeff as Lisa Gill knows. The council members who wanted this so bad should have raised the 250,000 from outside sources -- corporations etc. instead they are taking it from the taxpayers and acting like we should all be ecstatic.. All in the name of "economic development ". Sickening. But they get away with it because a) people are stupid and b) they can!!

  5. They're absolutely Jeffersonville dollars.

    This whole episode makes me think of something Carlin said.

    "Bipartisan usually means that a larger than usual deception is being carried out."

    This bifactional compromise feels like that.

    1. I totally agree Anon. there must have been a whole lot of behind the scenes, away from public ears canoodling on this one. It just doesn't pass the smell test....

  6. The veto had nothing to do with the airport. It was to guarantee the 4.6 million went toward the widening of Holman Lane.

    Mike Moore

  7. So Mayor are you in favor of spending $250,000 of Jeff's taxpayer dollars for the airport?

  8. Then why don't you veto it? Edit dollars are just another pile of money that can be used for economic development. What's the difference mayor?
    Has the council for sure earmarked the 4.6 million for Holmans lane? I've not seen any evidence of that.

  9. The mayor finally acts like a grown up for five minutes and works in a cooperative way
    with the council, then he has to come on here and revert to being a spoiled child and deny
    that he 'compromised'. What's next? a post on Facebook on who we really trust? Mayor Moore the compromisor or Mayor Moore the Principled?

  10. I think Matt Owen runs this city! He is a deal maker!

    1. Eventually this county will be annoyed with our laundry being strung across the county.

    2. LapDog ??? O Lord Hear our prayer !!!

  11. Leaders turned their backs on their constituents and feel they know more about what is good for taxpayers. This had very little support from Jeff residents, sad that this went through anyway.

  12. Elections have consequences.
    We are all going to find out just what these movers and shakers,(aka Republicans and Demicrats alike) who are feathering their own nests,under the quise of economic development, have in store for us, their serfs.
    The time is NOW to rise up. Attend these meetings and PUSH BACK!

  13. Foolish to have $10 million offered to be spent in our community, and not come up with the matching funds. A win win!

    1. Not foolish at all. Just don't believe those matching funds should come from the taxpayers. Get the companies and individuals who plan to use the airport to be the first to kick in. If they aren't willing to support it then don't expect the taxpayers to do so.

  14. Companies are taxpayers too!

  15. Note I said the companies who USE it. Certainly NOT all citizens will.

  16. Companies don't use all the services citizens do. It is a pot of money for the greater good....not just paving roads
