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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

County Commissioner Stephenson Rips the Co. Council's Ass

  Clark Co. Commissioner Rick Stephenson used the internet and the Clark Co. Chatter to rip the County Council's collective asses last night. Seems as if in a last minute move the Council moved money earmarked for bridge repair into a general fund without prior informing the Commissioners of the move. Mr. Stephenson was rightfully upset about the lack of communication between the two bodies of County government. The words cowardice and the council's lack of knowledge on how to run a budget were used in Mr. Stephenson's scathing remarks....

 We here in Jeffersonville are fully aware of how lack of communication and mistrust between different bodies of government can have devastating repercussions for residents and taxpayers. We here at the BatBlog applaud Mr. Stephenson for his public , open reprimand of the seems to already have resulted in promises of more open dialogue between the two parties involved. Maybe Jeffersonville mayor Mike Moore should tear out this page of Commissioner Stephenson's playbook and go on the Chatter or the BatBlog and rip the collective asses of the Jeffersonville City Council...

***note*** Mr. Stephenson was also upset the Council rejected the Commissioner's request for raises for Highway dept. workers who have gone without raise for quite some time now....


  1. one has to be careful calling out other office holders, grudges develop and then gridlock occurs

  2. Way to go Rick !!!

  3. He also had to backpedal.

  4. At which time did I backpedal?

  5. I saw no sign of back pedaling. Mr. Stephenson had a legitimate concern and he laid it out for all to see. B. Hollis admitted a mistake was made and it appears B. Lenfert reached out to make sure communications will be more forth coming in the future, so mistakes like this won't occur again....

    This is the way government should operate...get things out in the open...for the taxpayers and voters to see...

  6. HT, thanks for the comment. I apologize for my last post. I broke my own rule. If you have anything to say to me or about ne, at least have enough confidence in your post to own it. Anonymus is not a name and case resolution no response. Belive me I can handle criticism. Constructive criticism I welcome. At least I can take that and know what does not work.

    I think the main thing I am trying to say is to help me help you. This is your county and this is a representative government. It only works if your representative know the direction you all want to go.

  7. There is no shame in posting anonymously. Some people are willing to dedicate a part of their lives to public service and all the pitfalls that comes with it. I salute them and appreciate it a great deal. But the internet is rife with nutjobs who care WAY too much about the opinions of others. I have absorbed my share of vitriol from assorted crackpots over the years. If I had been using my real name all this time I have no doubt whatsoever that one of them would have shown up at my house by now and the outcome would have been undesirable for all parties involved.

    And before anybody jumps to any conclusions, this is my first contribution to this discussion.

    Carry on!

  8. Agreed TR nothing wrong with posting Anon. I would prefer more would use at least a screen name, but the way Google has it set up it's easier to just post anonymously ....I actually think one is more honest and candid when posting anonymously...and the choice is yours but like TR in this day and age one must be careful...
