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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Stooges Change Their Mind

They either realized how stupid they looked and sounded or bent to public pressure but the stooges on the Jeff City Council flipped and allowed the rezoning that will make the  the 10th St. hotel project reality. After running out of lame excuses ...waiting on sewer plans, don't like fast food restaurants, too much traffic they could stall no longer. Especially when the consensus of the public was this was a good and much needed project.

 This isn't the first or the last idiotic move or statements by some of the simpletons on the council . The Public just has too remind them at times how stupid some of their decisions are and because they have the collective backbone of a jellyfish a lot of times they will back away or flip flop on their original stance. It's just a shame some of these morons were ever elected and we have to remind them to quit their political posturing and do the right thing.... They must take political advice from fellow idiot NHBSM...


  1. Actually if you read the N/T article, it says that the company addressed their concerns. Well done by the council.

  2. Had to stall for as long as possible to hold on to all hope for the canal. Now what? Poor things.

  3. There are a certain few on the council that hold up everything just to spite Moore. This project could have been started by now without their interference.

  4. The next foolish move?
    Cancelling halloween downtown.

  5. The political climate which the council is a big part of make it difficult for investors to invest in Jeff. Politics sometimes trump good sense which it did in this case. Thank goodness the council came to their senses.

  6. Yeah the same idiots that make up the City Council make up the Parks Dept. which in their infinite wisdom decided to end the candy giveaway at Halloween...

    You can see what we're up against here in Jeffersonville....the monkeys are running the zoo...
