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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Poor Ole Moe !!!

Let's all get get our crying towels out and give Jeffersonville  city councilman Ed "Moe" Zastawny a shoulder to cry on and a big hug. It appears that poor Moe wasn't consulted by Jeff mayor Mike Moore on the "Wall of Champions" a dedication to some of the important people in Jeffersonville history. Poor Ole Moe claims he didn't even know about the "Wall" until he received an invitation to the dedication ceremony. Waaahhhh !!!  Waaahhh !!!!

  Here's an idea for Moe get your head out of your ass and look around...The "Wall of Champions" has been in the planning for quite a while now  (over a year and a half) and there was an article in the N/T about it. The city council also has two appointments to the Redevelopment Commission which created and approved the project months ago...So man up and quit your crying and try and pay attention to what's going on .....

 Here's another idea Moe, do YOUR job and quit trying to run the whole city. The city council is the fiscal body to pay the city bills, the council is NOT the executive branch...If you want to act like a mayor grow some balls and run for the office.... in the meantime quit crying it makes you look more childish and stupid than you really are....

UPDATE...  Now ole Moe is crawfishing , saying he DID know about the Wall just not the location...Which is it Moe ??  I guess he realized how stupid he looked not knowing what was going on....him and his fellow council members that he threw under the bus . My guess the fellow members that Moe said didn't know  about the wall either are Sellers, Smith, Gill, Samuel and Julius  (the anti Moore coalition)...  Its all  politics my friends, once again trying to make the mayor look bad right before the election....but this was a very stupid attempt....Stupid does as stupid is ...

Tomorrow Batblog unveils it's Jeffersonville's Wall of Fame


  1. The council thinks they are all little mini mayors and have to have their say so in every little detail.

  2. Good post, there are a lot of lies in the thread Ed Z. posted on the Chatter. It was approved by the different boards that Ed Z. said didn't approve.

  3. Its nice to see someone who crosses party lines to do whats best for the city. Something the current mayor doesn't seem capable of.

  4. In some ways it is good for the counsel to have opposing views than the mayor as opposed to rubber stamps we have had in the past. The only problem is that this counsel seems to have a vendetta or grudge and attempts to block or delay some of the mayor's good ideas.JMHO

  5. Obviously disappointed that pele was not included on the wall.

  6. Crosses party lines ??? Nobody including Moe knows what party he is in ??? He claims to be Republican but I'll put up a reward to anyone that can find Moe in any picture with all the other GOP candidates... He is as phony as the day is long....

  7. Ouch ht! pretty hard on ole moe lol.

  8. Who cares if the council knew about it? Looks like it will be a nice feature with some very deserving and influential people being honored. Jeff can't have any nice new projects without somebody politicizing it. If Ed and the council don't like it then don't go to the unveiling but I'm sure they will be there for the photo ops.

  9. I've heard Gill has actually been out going door to door with Julius.

  10. Great project and nice recognition for community contributors. Room for a next round of recognition choices. Great response on Facebook and all other social media. All city council persons had an opportunity to participate if they wished to do so.

    Now what, exactly, is it that anyone is bitching about?

  11. I had a hole in one when I was taking golf lessons at the Elks Club back in the early 70's. I was also on the swim team. Do I qualify for the wall?

  12. Anon. or anyone out there the BatBlog is offering a reward for anyone that can send us a picture of Gill and Julius out campaigning together....

    Talk about party loyalty looks like it may lacking by both here and interesting that Gill is the sister of GOP chair Jamey Noel...what kind of chairman allows this to go on ???

  13. Lisa should be able to support whomever she wants, but it hypocritical as hell for the GOP to allow it when Kelly Khuri and others have been accused of disloyalty for supporting challenger Republicans in primaries with incumbents and supporting a Libertarian candidate when no Republican was in the race.

    Ed Z, Lisa and Connie openly support Dennis, and I hear two Clarksville Republicans are campaigning with John Gilkey as if they're a team.

    Either party candidates, officials and office holders are supposed to be loyal, or they aren't. Loyalty is required, or it isn't.

  14. Anon. or anyone out there the BatBlog is offering a reward for anyone that can send us a picture of Gill and Julius out campaigning together....
    Double that.
