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Sunday, July 24, 2016

2016 Presidential Election...Hillary Clinton

If Democrats lose the whitehouse they only have themselves to blame. There is no doubt Hillary is qualified from her varied experiences to be president, but experience also brings a lot of political baggage. Of course any controversy or baggage is embellished, overreacted to and beaten  to death by Republicans. None the less the uneasiness and mistrust is there. Bernie Sanders  while more liberal would probably beat Trump pretty easily, Hillary's negatives put Trump in the game

  She can overcome the negativity only because her opponent has just as much if not more than she does. The key to the election will be getting the vote out in the numbers that Obama did. If not Trump has a good chance of being elected.  Presidential elections  run in cycles...after two successful Bill Clinton terms, we still  voted in George W. a Rep. So even though a lot feel Obama has been mostly ok many will still vote for change.

 The BatBlog while  not enamored with Hillary Clinton still believes Democratic values and ideals outweigh the hateful , divisive message Trump has thrown to the American people. Numbers alone and Clinton's popularity with minorities give her an edge, but she has to get those minority voters out in numbers and get the Bernie Sanders supporters supporting her with a good turnout as well...If not and The BatBlog predicted this scenario as a possibility months ago...."The Donald" could be president of the United States....and if and when we will all hold our collective breathes ....


  1. Blacks will not get excited about voting for a white woman. Trump wins! Ps The Democrats can't seem to escape e-mail scandals. Incompetent Democrats!

  2. If DNC allows Shults to speak, the Bernie supporters will boo her off the stage!

  3. If Clinton allows Michael Browns mother to speak, and no police families of recent police murders to speak, she has really screwed up!

  4. 99% of people don't know and could give a rat's ass who speaks at these conventions...the nominee does get a pretty good audience but most people would rather watch Dancing with the Stars...

    1. Do you only say this because democrats are doing so poorly? Independent voters are the ones both parties are after. As a Democrat, I am ashamed of where the party has gone. Win at all costs. Some illegal activities to boot! With Hillary at the helm, this should have been expected.

    2. "Democrats are doing so poorly" ...Looks like the race is pretty close to me.

  5. I agree with HT, most people could care less what is said in all those speeches. I am trying to figure out what Trump has done that is so terrible? He seems to express out loud what many of the American People feel. I don't illegals coming over here, and I don't want those who are here illegally to get a free ride. I don't care about his tax return and I think he is a good business man. I think his hair is awful and he is pompous, but I felt the same for Obama. I would rather of had someone else with more experience but then again, couldn't be worse than Obama. Hillary, I just don't like her, don't trust her, and I truly believe she is an evil person (her and her husband). I cannot relate to her as a woman at all. She is an insult to what real women are all bout. This is my opinion. Thanks for letting me express it. :)

  6. Lisa Smith: if you're trying to figure out what Trump has done that is so terrible, maybe listening to some of his own speeches, and some of others who have called him out for the things he's done... maybe you coulda learned something?

  7. If what Trump is expressing is what many American people feel God help us all...If it is true it just makes me incredibly sad. :(

    As far as his business acumen, it's been noted before he's lost much more money than he's made...If he'd invested the money left to him by his father in just a normal manner and lived on passive income he'd be much wealthier than he is today...That's not even getting into the moral aspects of filing multiple calculated business bankruptcies solely to protect himself and screw everyone else...Yes, it's done by legitimate companies but not over and over again...That in and of itself does not say successful ethical businessman to me...But instead an egocentric self-serving one.

  8. "egocentric self-serving"....too easy. Snow person, I have listened to many of his speeches, I have listened to Hillary for years. I will still choose Trump. No one has given me one good reason why he would not make a better President than Obama or Hillary. I am not impressed much by rhetoric or talking points. Waiting for something substantial. :)

  9. To add, I could care less that his corporation has filed 4 Chapter 11 Bankruptcies. The man owns hundreds of businesses and 4 out of all of these years, is actually pretty darn good. Maybe read up on what Chapter 11 actually means. Trump has worked very hard over the years, and has made millions. Kudos to him if he is wealthy. I think the best part of all of this is how he has so many Liberals running scared. :)

  10. Like I said at FIRST I thought Trump was different... a non political with some different ideas and interesting. As things developed anyone who questioned him was attacked personally (Cruz, Bushes, Rubio)...A lot of respected former GOP presidents and candidates neither endorsed him or didn't even bother to attend the convention...very telling.

    His whole campaign is aimed at a white constituency which is political suicide normally... but mistrust of Clinton gives him a shot.

    If Rep.s had put John Kasich up he would win easily...he would have gotten my vote as well and conversely Bernie Sanders would defeat Trump easily..What we are left with is an election where voters are holding there nose and voting AGAINST a particular candidate versus voting FOR... I will be voting AGAINST Donald Trump not particularly FOR Hillary Clinton...

  11. John Kasich was actually my first pick also. I cannot in good conscience consider Hillary, evil....just evil.

  12. Lisa... do you care about all the little people that he hurt by his business blunders? Many people have lost their life's savings when they invested in projects that he abandoned... abandoned, but not before his own investment in said project was recouped. All those that were duped by Trump University. All those independent businesses that did the work, but weren't paid. Sue me is always his response to them.
    Just the other day he had a campaign event at a hotel, and is refusing to pay the bill, because the room was not cool enough. Even though there is a record heat wave and the A/C was working at full capacity. So the hotel gets to eat the cost for that event. He's a dick. And so many other adjectives...

  13. For me HRC isn't the lesser of two evils but someone I totally support...She probably is the most qualified person to ever run for President...There isn't any category that I don't think she can't trump Trump in...She has more knowledge of domestic and world affairs than Donald Trump could even begin to accumulate in 10 lifetimes...( And that's assuming he even had an interest in educating himself in those things)...There's a reason he loves the uneducated...It's easier to be uneducated...Some people can't help it but when you've had every advantage of wealth and education there's no excuse...It's not that he's stupid but he's intellectually lazy...And that attitude isn't going to do him any favors on the debate stage...He's going to fumble, stumble, and embarrass himself...Whether you personally like her or not...Or will admit it or not...There isn't going to be any doubt who is vastly more qualified to lead this nation...She's going to chew him up and spit him out...Yum-Yum.

  14. No way, he has this in the bag. No doubt at all in my mind. Unless.......the Democrats do something very crooked and cheat their way into the White House. Snow person, I am more concerned about the loss of lives because of HRC. She gets away with more corruption than her husband did. She has no respect at all for the Military and she is an insult to the real genuine females of the world. And Snow person...I am one of those "little people" and I support Donald Trump, as many other Americans as evidenced by his numbers. We will have to agree to disagree and wait for the outcome.

  15. Love those glasses Jules but I didn't realize how deeply rose colored the lenses are.

    No way HRC can debate Trump and win. Hell she won't even hold a press conference and she owns the media. Hasn't it been nearly a year since Hillery's last pc? What a fraud and a coward to boot.

    Thank God the HRC supporters in Indiana are rendered impotent by the Trump Tsunami!

    1. I stand by what I said...Guess we'll see. Lol

      Can he be louder and more bombastic??...Most certainly.

      But more informed, thoughtful, statesman-like or anything else REMOTELY Presidential...No way...Ever.

  16. Lisa, could you please clarify as to what you mean by a "real genuine female?" I am sincerely stumped by that one.

  17. gen·u·ine
    truly what something is said to be; authentic.
    "each book is bound in genuine leather"
    synonyms: authentic, real, actual, original, bona fide, true, veritable; More
    antonyms: bogus
    (of a person, emotion, or action) sincere.
    "she had no doubts as to whether Tom was genuine"
    synonyms: sincere, honest, truthful, straightforward, direct, frank, candid, open;

    All of the above is opposite of what Hillary projects. Hope that helps un-stump you. :)

    1. You've provided an excellent dictionary definition of the single word, "genuine," but the question was about the definition of your phrasing of "real genuine female," which you have stated that Hillary Clinton is not. The use of that phrase suggests that you might harbor doubts that she is an actual female. Is that what you meant to imply?

  18. That is not even close to what I was implying. I just don't see her as someone who would understand the real struggles that women have to endure. Single mothers, working women trying to make ends meet, etc. She seems to try and compare her struggles to ours, but she will never understand because she never really held a regular job that I know of. She doesn't know what it feels like to wonder how you are going to feed your kids for the week, or whether or not your kids will have new school clothes or supplies. Is that easier for you to understand what I meant?

  19. HRC came from a decidedly middle to possibly lower-middle class family background, depending on how one defines a particular class status...However her mother coming from a very poor background and was abandoned as a child having to work and take care of herself from 13 or so onward...It's common knowledge of the love and affinity she had for her mother and I have no doubt that her mother's story is never far from her heart or thoughts...Her own upbringing may have been somewhat different from her mother's but her parents were not of the means to have been able to buy her way into Wellsley or Yale...She did that through her own abilities and hard work...And that ability and hard work has made her adult life one of more privilege...She has held regular jobs ( she was a practicing attorney) as well as given a great deal of herself to public service...And then there is Secretary of State...I think that qualifies as a real job...???...People in general don't forget where they, or their parents, came from...And I don't think there's any doubt which candidate has a better feel for working American's and especially American women.

  20. are definitely a die hard Hillary fan, I get it. Not trying to change your mind. We just see her in a different light.
