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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Where's Da Money ???

The rumors are flying hot and heavy on this one The BatBlog is hearing one name over and over as the responsible party. Legality/Illegality is still undetermined but the ethics of such a move is in serious question here....Will this be another black eye to Clark Co ??? Time will tell but it doesn't look good....

Also here is a link to the Open Meeting statute CLICK HERE.
There are certain conditions where closed door meetings CAN be held. The way the BatBlog understands it these meetings CAN be OPEN as well if the governing body chooses to do so...

*************************Breaking Exclusive Story ****************
In an exclusive story that you will only see on The BatBlog....The BatBlog has been told by sources that it appears former (fired)  employee may be the intended recipient of the missing probation office money. The question remains though who withdrew the money to pay off  the litigant or potential litigant

Apparently the fiscal body Clark Co. council doesn't know where the money went, after being addressed by Judge Carmichael over the $20,000 shortage ....the council tabled the matter. Judge Carmichael stated that none of the judges or the chief probation officer withdrew the money that according to sources was apparently to settle a potential or on going lawsuit  against the county for unlawful firing that happened a couple a years ago.

 The BatBlog wonders who has the authority to take money out of County offices like in this case ??? It seems to us this would be a duty of the Council and the Auditor and on the public record. With the county always in financial straights this appears to be a poor way to do business.... Also The Batblog has heard there is an interesting story behind who represented the litigant in their lawsuit ??  Stay Tuned....

Where'd Da  Money Go ???

Here's a news video of the story...


  1. Are you looking for a libel suit Mr Bat?

    1. No just curious about some information relayed to me and the news story...maybe there is a logical answer ...I don't think I said anything out of line certainly not intentional...

  2. Who would have the authority to remove funds from the probation office's account? You would think only the judges or department head would have that authority. Something sounds fishy and why wasn't the council aware of this?

  3. Certainly seems to me that it should be VERY EASY to determine who withdrew funds. Why all the drama? Or do they know but just don't want to say? Someone had to either write a check or else personally go to the bank and withdraw the money. Can't imagine why they wouldn't know who did this? Are the officials in this County that incompetent????

    1. You would think so... but it was curious that Judge Carmichael went to the County council wanting to know why it was taken from their account...And according to the news report the council seemed to know nothing about any lawsuit that was reported...

      Maybe there is a logical answer but you would think the Auditor or the Council both present at the meeting would have some type of answer for Judge Carmichael...

  4. Didn't an inmate die a couple of years ago while incarcerated? Maybe they were using the funds to pay restitution to the victim's family? Could be wrong, just a thought.

    1. I pretty sure Lisa that's not the case in this incident per my sources. I'm told it is a former employee and I won't divulge the name at this time. The issue it appears to me is funded money removed from the Dept.(probation) without the knowledge of those overseeing the funds.

      Doesn't seem proper to withdraw funded money without some heads up to the dept. involved... why and whom re-appropriated the funds is the $20,000 question...

  5. Long time court house Bat Blog Source said:
    An anonymous posted:
    "Are you looking for a libel suit Mr Bat?"

    The Bat Blog
    is very correct.
    This illegal spending
    is an abuse of immense proportions.
    The payment was illegal.
    Judge Weber and Judge Carmichael had no knowledge
    and did not approve the expenditure.

    The money was improperly taken
    for a "restricted judicial special usage
    non-reverting fund".
    What were they thinking?

    There should be a criminal investigation. ASAP.

  6. That's like writing a check out of somebody elses checkbook.

  7. The council and the commissioners and maybe a judge representative will be meeting in an executive session.

    1. Why all the secrecy here ? As one poster said "it should be very easy to determine who withdrew the funds." Is this illegal or potentially illegal ???

    2. Why wouldn't you have it at a public meeting so everyone can hear?

    3. Will you let us know what is said at the secret meeting?

  8. As you know, any time there is discussion with or about possible litigation, the meeting can be closed door. Eventually, it will all come out.

    1. I don't know, this seems very shady. Why won't you at least tell us what is discussed?

  9. What's wrong with transparency? Why not an open meeting?

    1. I would assume it's closed Anon. to avoid an uncomfortable possibly embarrassing situation. Clearly the Council as well as the judges weren't aware of what was going on.

      It appears to be some attempt of hiding from the public a clandestine payment, which is disturbing and embarrassing to those elected to oversee our tax dollars...

  10. Actually, if an elected official says the wrong thing...... slander or worse, our county could be sued. It's wise to make sure of what has transpired before talking openly.
    This is why we have an attorney.
    In the end, it will all come out

    1. Is it true the you were made aware of this 2 months ago?

    2. An anonymous posted a question to the Clark County Council:
      "Is it true the you were made aware of this 2 months ago?"

      O U C H !

  11. Hoosiertaxpayer said: "It appears to be some attempt of hiding from the public a clandestine payment, which is disturbing and embarrassing to those elected to oversee our tax dollars".....

    Hmmmm....The council needs to act quickly to recover the money.

  12. How long ago was this payment made? Doesn't anyone reconcile the bank accounts? How can this money just be "missing"?? Is this a case of "gross negligence" or "extreme carelessness"?? ha Or fraud? Where is the oversight? Where is the auditor? Who reconciles the accounts?

  13. Once again the batblog out scooped the news-tribune!

    1. Thats The BatBlog...The (award winning ) BatBlog...

    2. Mr Bat is going to get sued.

      Naming names with no proof.... A no no...

      Tribune doesn't do that. They are journalists. Mr. Bat is not held to Sam standard.

    3. Can't be sued for printing the truth dumbass....

    4. For it to be true, requires truth...

  14. Once again the batblog out scooped the news-tribune!

  15. The council was not aware of this till now. I am just getting bits and pieces of it now.

    1. Why not? Who reviews claims and disbursements? Or rather who SHOULD review claims and disbursements?? Seems like the Council is more concerned with SPENDING money than with monitoring HOW it is spent.

    2. There is a judge that has publicly said you were made aware of this in mid May.

  16. The council was to busy attending meetings about an airport runway...


  18. Really...dumbass?

    Mr Bat realized his risk and changed his post as a result. He named names with no proof. If he is wrong, that is libel.

  19. Good job HT.

  20. HT is the man...

  21. There was no malice in this. No sane lawyer would entertain this. But someone is quite scared and trying to squelch h t. Interesting

  22. The council does not review claims. The commissioners, and certain employees in the courthous do.

  23. $100,000?
    The Bat Blog
    is on a very proper journalistic mission
    to determine the facts and the government needs to disclose:
    Who received the very large amount of money?
    Was it the persons whom were allegedly illegally arrested
    and allegedly illegally detained in jail?
    Or, was it the persons who allegedly committed illegal arrests
    and alleged illegal detentions without due process?
    Allegedly the victims received the money?
    Or, the alleged perps received the money ?
    The difference is pretty significant.

    The Bat Blog is waiting for transparent answers not obfuscation and games.

  24. Doesn't the Auditor and his office review claims? Wasn't his son involved in drug court issue? Wasn't the employee fired also his girlfriend? Doesn't the son now work for the sheriff?
