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Friday, December 2, 2016

The Singing Gondolier ???

Jeff Gondoliers ???
As noted in Wednesday's BatBlog Jeffersonville city councilman  Ed "Moe" Zastawny once again voted against a project of the current administration the "downtown residential overlay" Moe on many occasions has voted against projects and griped about current mayor Mike Moore and his policies and projects. The BatBlog in it's endeavor for the top news stories has inquired around town on what gives with Moe ?? Is it politics  or what ???

Singing Gondolier ???
 Several interesting theories emerged from The BatBlog investigation all of course strictly rumor and political conjuncture. The most interesting of which is what we call  the "Gondolier Theory." As discussed in Wednesday's post there may still be a faction of "Canal" supporters ...those in favor of the controversial "Galligan's Gully" the plan to pump sewer water through downtown Jeffersonville and call it a tourist attraction.

 Moe Z. being an political ally of Galligan and the "The Canal" and according to a rumor told to The BatBlog may have been in line for one of the prized Gondolier positions on the proposed Canal. Gondoliers traverse canals in boats called gondolas transporting tourists and sometimes providing entertainment such as singing (see video below).

 The BatBlog has no idea if Moe is a talented singer or even was in line for one of the gondolier positions.... but with the Canal idea apparently still in the conversation it does make for an interesting theory as to Moe's opposition to many administration projects....


  1. Who is the Gondolier on the left in the picture? he doesn't look happy.

    1. That's Gilligan the daddy of illegitimate "Canal"...

  2. Was Kevin supposed to be a Gondolier as well?

  3. I've noted a change in Ed Z's voting principles. When Mike Smith was the 1st District councilman and in the same camp as Ed Z, that being the pro-TG/anti-MM camp, Ed would generally defer to Mike on matters affecting the 1st District. He seemed to consider it a courtesy and that it was smart as he could hope for the same to be extended to him when it was a matter in his district.

    This courteous and pragmatic approach appears to have been thrown out the window now that the 1st District councilman is of the opposite camp.

    So maybe that never was about principle.

  4. Yeah I doubt principle had anything to do with it...Mo also has a hard time figuring out if he's a Democrat or a Republican...

  5. My god how long is this canal debate going to go on? Give it up, it was a poor idea anyway.

  6. Funny part is that all 3 of these yahoo's are democrats. Just one of them smart enough to know they are.

  7. I still support the canal. I have been to San Antonio, and witnessed one, and it's awesome!
    Treated water is 7 times cleaner than the Ohio.
    We have still not made provisions for flooding. Wait till the next huge rain.

  8. San Antonio is not sewer water...You can put as much lipstick you want on a pig and it's still a pig...and it's still sewer water even if you call it "treated"...

  9. Nothing like a relaxing gondola ride down an open sewer!

  10. DumBo all water is treated water, Just maybe not by humans.

    1. That statement disqualifies you from any INTELLIGENT discussion on this subject...

  11. Clarification Request

    'Dumbo' said: "All water is "treated water"...."just maybe not by humans".....

    Hmmmm....Now that is an interesting assertion.

    Does that mean it is treated by animals...Alien Invaders...?
    World Wide?
    Treated by O.T.H.'s ? (Other than humans?

    How would they treat ALL water?
    That might be a monumental worldwide task.
    Those oceans are pretty dern big...
    Treated to what?
    How is it treated?
    Treated with what?
