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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Hypocrisy of Politics and Politicians.

The recent human disaster of hurricane Harvey and the aftermath flooding in Texas brings forward the blatant and utter hypocrisy of politics and politicians. Interesting statistic is that all but one  GOP U.S. senators and house of representative members from Texas voted AGAINST funding a bill that would  provide aid and financial relief  for victims of hurricane Sandy that devastated eastern states including New York and New Jersey.

 You would think any bill that provided relief for storm victims would be a no brainer but these GOP  conservative politicians tried to deny the implementation due to fiscal conservative concerns and not being able to fund some of their other pet projects....Of course most eastern seaboard states are also predominately Democratic and normally vote so...Think this is a coincidence..???

 Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the victims of this tragic storm are the constituents of these hypocritical politicians they are crying a different tune and already begging for federal aid the same aid they voted to DENY the victims of Sandy. Hypocritical ??? You bet your ass it is...

Most prominent is Texas senator Ted Cruz who voted against the bill. He along with others Texas
GOP lawmakers praised and brought "Hypocrite in Chief" Donald Trump  to the area in an effort to get federal money packages the same packages they voted NO on just a couple years ago ...

Moral of the story... be careful the next time it might be you who needs help and actions can be reversed where you're the one that get's bit in the ass....and the money that will be spent on this tragic disaster The Donald can kiss his wall goodbye and probably his tax cuts as well....

The BatBlog will be watching as well how Democrats respond to the money for Texans ...hopefully they are bigger than political games and less of hypocrites than their republican coharts...

Build that Wall !!! Drain that Swamp !!!


  1. If 'at industrial chem plant blows.....AT's gonna be sum BAD peroxides, etc......

  2. The chemical plant has had two explosions so far. Beaumont, with a population of 120,000, has lost its entire water supply.

  3. At least Joel Olsteen is down there making things right🤣

  4. I am sure Obama would know how to handle everything perfectly?

    1. Nope no perfect answer for these types of disasters. My only point is there should be no politics involved in relief for these poor victims, sadly there is...

    2. Considering last time there was a large hurricane it was Bush. But lets bring up Obama some more since thats all some people can do.

  5. Why does Deadbeat Donald have to kiss the wall goodbye? Isn't Mexico going to pay for it?

    1. That idea fell through like replacing Obamacare, defeating Isis etc.,etc.etc...

    2. His chumps are still cheering though.

  6. At a time when everyone should come together politicians show their true side and that's a shame. Reminds me of something I heard years ago. When Ronald Reagan was being taken to surgery after being shot he said to the surgeon I hope you are a Republican. The response was today we are all Republicans ! Perfect statement and example of during a crisis we are all on the same side.

  7. Speaking of hypocrisy, it appears Comey had decided Clinton was innocent months before the investigation was completed and prior to interviewing most of the witnesses. We need a second, independent counsel to actually investigate what Hillary and the FBI did in the last investigation.

    1. Nice deflection !!! Every time it becomes more clear Trump is nothing more than an ego driven pathological liar who has no idea what he's doing, one of his minions brings up Hillary. Nice try but it doesn't float

      Geez Hillary is so old news that has nothing to do Trump's idiocy and his failing presidency..When Mueller gets done with Trump we might all be hollering
      Lock him Up ! Lock him Up !

  8. Hillary is the reason this storm formed in the first place. Only a matter of time before trump corroborates this.

  9. I think you have it backwards, the dems dreamed up this whole Russian conspiracy ( with no evidence) to keep people from looking deeper in what Hillsry and Oboma did. Oldest trick in the book. It's called deflection. There's nothing to see here, but you should go look over there???
    Not gonna keep everyone's attention when they can't produce any evidence.

    1. Mueller's investigation is on going, he is collecting the evidence and will have all his ducks in a row before he drops the hammer on your "dreamed up" LOL Russian conspiracy...4 years from now when Trump is history the Trumpsters will still be crying what about Hillary ???

      Lock Him up !! Lock Him Up !!

  10. The level of denial in regards to Trump and the Russian connection is amazing. The guy is up to his A$$ in it. But it is normal to deny something when you really don't want to believe it.

    1. Just like Hilary. Tell you what, lets lock them both up and let Pence take over.

  11. See that's where you're wrong brother I'm not a Trump supporter or I'm just anti-Hillary

  12. He (POTUS) knows XACTLY whut he's do'' I think, has from git-go....he's a Pro at it

  13. Sounds good to me lock them all up.

  14. Will the readers and sage posters of the Bat Blog join us in Solidarity
    in demanding the Repatriation and immediate return of Clarksville?
    The first march will be to have the racist Lewis and Clark statue removed
    AND the lands thereabouts from the river northward returned
    to the Indigenous People from which it was seized.

    James Anaya, former Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, has defined indigenous peoples as "living descendants of pre-invasion inhabitants of lands now dominated by others. They are culturally distinct groups that find themselves engulfed by other settler societies born of forces of empire and conquest".[

  15. Deflect this!

    Etymology: Indiana:
    The state's name means "Land of the Indians", or simply "Indian Land".
    Indian removals in Indiana
