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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Geese Murders...

The town of Clarksville made another stupid and heartless decision recently...murdering hundreds of geese that make their homes on the town hall property. The geese were trapped , euthanized and then incinerated by contractors hired by Clarksville officials.

 The BatBlog realizes that geese can be annoying and make a mess as they seem to shit about every 5 minutes...but surely there was a more humane and decent way to eradicate them from this area. Wouldn't it just as easy to release and relocate this wildlife in another area possibly somewhere along the river ???

 We don't want to sound like PETA who does get carried away at times, but while geese aren't cuddly and cute  like dogs and cats they are God's creatures...and in our mind this situation  was handled poorly by town officials ...

 Obviously you can't hunt geese in this area but goose hunting is legal in Indiana and while hunting does get the same result (a dead goose) it is a sport and can provide food and help limiting the geese population...It is certainly better than the senseless murder in Clarksville....

For the story from the News/Tribune CLICK HERE

Save our geese !!! Save our geese !!!


  1. Just goes to show that humans remain the most deadly of all species. The only species that kills for fun(sport) and malice. Most residents enjoys seeing the families of geese. Just barbaric. The area children seems to love them. We need to name the individuals who are responsible for this mindless slaughter. Glad Clarksville in not a costal city as the officials would probably slaughter seagulls and seabirds claiming that they are polluting the ocean.

  2. Thanks for starting this and getting it out more. I started a thread over on Chatter as well. Not only did they slaughter the animals they lied about how they got rid of them. Their original unpublished story was that they were captured and relocated. Of course I'm sure they will deny that now that the truth is out.

  3. 'Wanton waste of a animal'.....they's laws in place fer this kind'a shizz, me'be Federal, be'n they're migratory game bird.....
    if they can git'em in a contraption like in the pic......then they can relocate' other x'cuse acceptable.....period...

    I've seen plen'y people, at's a nuisence......but I don' see where anybody's euthanize'n an' incinerate'n 'em.....streets/prisons is full of'em.....wanna watch sumthin' die an' burn up?.....start there....

    1. Dude is right there are laws in place and I believe permits are required to remove these creatures from their habitat. It would be interesting to see if the proper procedures were followed...

    2. Just read the article in the News/Tribune

      Looks like the town acquired the necessary permits but chose murder over relocation which is a option...They also sugar coated the euthanization methods carbon dioxide or "cervical dislocation" which in other words they broke their necks...really humane (SMH)!!!

  4. Charlestown State Park would'a been a good place ....hell....even the landfill, already a azzload of'em out'ere.....ANY wetland area would'a been good place ta relocate'em....

  5. Far's 'cute/cuddly'.....they VERY protective of a nest site/' they WILL chase yer azz rite on off, an' in a big way.....LOL.....

  6. If Clarksville didn't want these geese here they shouldn't put the lake/pond next to the town hall. This is a natural habitat for geese and they are naturally going to gravitate to these type of wetlands...Stupidity and heartless behavior on behalf of Clarksville officials...

    1. It was put there for necessary water runoff. The whole place is built on a swamp. The Town Hall is actually sinking. The damage can be seen in the Court area. Something else you won't see made public. Never should have built there in the first place.

  7. Unfortunately ...cervical dislocation means what it sounds like!!
    These creatures mate for life. They were families! Imagine the horror of their last minutes, if you will. Separated from their mate likely. Hunted down, necks grabbed and broken.
    I am not necessarily an animal lover so to speak, although the Lord gives us dominion over them. This however, goes beyond the pale.
    Whenever I drive by from now on, their last moments will haunt me.
    Once again, the taxpayers representatives, react in crisis mode.
    The geese were getting aggressive? Well, Idiots..perhaps you should have fenced off nesting areas. That detective, seen in the video, was warned by the goose, yet continued to advance, even walking TOWARD the nest.
    In addition, would it hurt for Ballew to cut his flicking grass instead of making it a great nesting ground.
    PS I'd like to see the bacteria report.


  9. It's a shame we can't do the same thing to politicians that are noisy, messy and aggressive.

  10. Start at the county court house.

  11. Once again name the city members who were responsible for this slaughter. It makes me sick to think of how these animals died.

  12. These birds are migratory Canadian Geese which are federally protected. Only the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service can grant permission to kill these animals. Usually permission is granted only around airports. Federal law in this case supersedes state law. This needs to be reported to the US Attorney's Office in Indianapolis.

  13. Hmmmmm, follow the money.

    Pretty tough to market prime real estate with an out of control population of geese that decorate the landscape with their smelly "gifts". Better clear the venue quickly so the view of investors and/or developers won't be obstructed.

    All other methods to relocate, mitigate, or simply be a good steward of the land, would simply take too long. Contractors would soon walk off the job if a pesky momma goose was being protective and blocking progress.

    Follow the money...

    This council suppossedly couldn't wait "to do the right thing" when elected. Good Ole boys was out! The voices of Clarksvillans would be heard and considered was proclaimed in campaign propaganda. How soon they forget. Remember the vow of transparency?

    Why didn't the council hold a public opinion meeting? How about an article in the paper seeking suggestions or public input? Maybe seek the advice of other entities that have experienced this? Or simply follow the humane advice (but time consuming) and plan that a conservation officer proposed about 5 years ago?

    Follow the money...

    Who was this contractor that provided the lethal service with the tightest lips? Sworn to secrecy?

    You guessed it, follow the money!!!

  14. The Town Council is now saying they were unaware that the birds were killed (yeah right). According to them Town Manager Baity headed up and signed off. How does it feel Mr. Baity being thrown under the bus by your dipshit bosses ? Welcome to Clarksville !!!!!

  15. What's really sad is that when the town spent thousands for a comprehensive plan on the uses and development of the Veteran's Parkway corridor, it proposed office parks, medical,etc., and the Town Hall with all the green space and its geese was about the only part of that plan that was actually followed. You can't blame Jessie Ballew or the other folks who owned the land in that area for selling to Wal Mart and other developers, but it would have been nice if the town had retained the green space around the town hall at least. I've seen the debate on how much the town profited by selling that land which led to the elimination of the green space and the end of the geese, but the value of some things can't be measured by only money. Now we have a mini-Hurstbourne Lane North, which is sad in a lot of ways. I'm sure someone will post something about how much vital economic progress is occurring, but I would bet that the average Clarksville resident would rather see the geese waddling across the road than a line of traffic.

  16. But we are getting more burgers,pizza,and mattresses !!!!!!!

  17. The good ole' boys from Rusty's Animal Control must have enjoys themselves breaking the birds necks. Maybe they ran over them with their trucks. " Gad damn love to hear those necks snap!!!"

