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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Above the Law, Abuse of Power and Dereliction of Duty

The BatBlog endorsed Clark Co. prosecutor Jeremy Mull in the last county prosecutor's election but we were disappointed, shocked and frankly outraged at Mull's recent decision NOT to prosecute the Louisville police officer arrested for domestic battery this past week. Mull's lame attempt at reasoning for dismissing the case is equally shocking and outrageous to the people who he is sworn to protect.

   Mull cited "there are two conflicting accounts of the story"....well duh... probably 99.9% of domestic abuse cases have "conflicting accounts." Abusing pieces of shit never admit to any wrong and always attempt to throw the blame on the opposite party and victim.

  Mull went on to say how he didn't want to spend a large amount of taxpayer money on a case where he thought a jury would "find him not guilty at the end" Which in our mind is total bull shit.... The taxpayers want and expect their tax dollars spent on putting (POS) abusers behind bars and protecting citizens...and while some cases lack evidence and are questionable going to trial one only need look at the victim in this case then let the jury decide guilt or innocence...

 One has to wonder if the reason for dismissal is because or influenced by the fact the alleged abuser belongs to the LPD ??? is this a case of privilege ??  Would  any ordinary man on the street be given the same break from prosecution ??? The BatBlog thinks this smells of police being placed above the law and we feel confident that they are many domestic abuse  cases with far less evidence prosecuted every day.

In our mind the citizens of Clark Co. have been betrayed, we just wonder why ??? Is Mr. Mull trying to protect his won-loss record ?? Were strings pulled behind the scenes politically or other wise ?? Who is standing up for the victim???

Maybe it's time we find a new prosecutor to stand up for victims instead of the abusers and has the balls to prosecute cases that cry out for justice ....


  1. This is one of the reasons DV cases are so prevalent and women get murdered as an outcome. Chicken shit prosecutors are afraid they can't get a conviction so the don't try the cases. Prosecute everyone of the bastards and let juries decide guilty or innocent. The injury of this woman was enough evidence for me to bring to trial. What does Mull think she was beating her own head against a wall. You should be ashamed Mull.

  2. Look who is representing him Trashcan Wilder. what's the old saying if you are guilty hire Wilder.

  3. Who made Mull judge and jury? He needs to prosecute this case and let the system play out. If the defendant is acquitted by a jury so be it.

  4. Been told the guy had a run in with the law also when he was a reserve police officer at Clarksville.

    1. Got more info on this? What kind of run in?

    2. Supposedly some kind of alcohol issue that got him booted from their reserve staff.

  5. Misdemeanor charges would/ could have been a bench trial. Even with a jury it should have been a 1 day trial at most. Of course ole judge Weber would've just given him probation anyway. Even if there are conflicting accounts, try them both and let the judge/jury decide. I call BS on Mr. Mull.

  6. The injury and both sides of the story point to a crime. Both said it involved grabbing at a cell phone, but once he laid his hands on the woman whether it was a shove (his side) or pushing her head into a object (her side) a crime was committed.

    Mulls claim of "two conflicting accounts" for not prosecuting is asinine...

  7. Agreed, anyone can obviously see she was assaulted. Even getting a misdemeanor conviction would be enough to get him fired from LMPD. He doesn't need to be a police officer ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿป.

  8. Perhaps this officer also has a history of abusing geese

  9. What is that knot on her head?

    1. How did that knot get on the woman's head?

  10. Domestic abuse and violence are no laughing matters and while I'm sure some cases are difficult to prosecute prosecutor need to be more aggressive and proactive in prosecuting cases like this...Maybe then these instances will be less likely to occur....

  11. The outrage in this case should prove how objectifying women (even in fun) is not funny. There are so many women out there who have to live with abusers who physically abuse them and verbally abuse them because they do not look at them as human beings. People like this Prosecutor gives permission for this animal and others to go ahead and hit a woman, she probably deserves it. I can speak for abused women because not only was I abused by a family member when I was young, I was also in a relationship years ago where I was hit and humiliated on a daily basis. Women get to the point where they are afraid to report their abuse because of cases just like this one. Once the animal gets off, he has been given "permission" to do it again. Only next time may be fatal.

    1. No one HAS to live with an abuser.
      They are making the choice to stay.

    2. Typical response from someone who knows nothing about the life of an abused woman. You need to do some serious research about battered women, and why they sometimes stay.

  12. Mull and chicken shit prosecutors like him or nothing more than enablers for these abusers. We need to elect prosecutors not afraid of losing and go after these criminals.

  13. There seems to be a pattern down here in backward Clarksville with the alleged
    stealing of money by a CPD officer from Little League, the alleged stalking of people by officers, a CPD officer charged with serial stealing from Home Depot, another officer arrested for having been allegedly involved in a domestic beating, an officer involved with a fight with a neighbor, and it seems that there was a drug dealing bust of officers as well at a roller skating rink, and some officers arrested that were alleged to have been involved with illegal steroid drug selling.

    Maybe the Bat Blog should look into a detailed story.

    1. Clarksville has always been corrupt and apparently still is.

  14. The big problem here is that it looks like a cop gets treated differently from 'john q. citizen'.

    1. Exactly, there is already a public sense that police in some cases are above the law. When in actuality they should be held to a higher standard because of their position. Hopefully the LPD will discharge this individual even though Mull didn't have the balls to prosecute the case...

  15. Some individuals have several assault or domestic violence cases and they always end up on probation. Some are on probation for multiple assaults cases which can never be revoked. It is all about conviction rates and caseload numbers, not about justice. Amazing none of these dispositions never make the papers.

  16. The LPD discharging this officer!!! Not in this lifetime. That appears to be a rather serious head trauma. The police continue to fail in getting the public to support their cause. If the officer in not guilty of abuse, he is most certainly engaging in terrible decisions. Just the type of person who makes life and death decisions on a daily basis. The question of " who police's the police" is too often nobody.

  17. A drunked up jealous woman can do some physical damage. She made the initial contact by grabbing his phone when it was in his pocket. She was the instigator and he has a right to defend himself. Drunks often fall down and hit their heads. Don't start none and there won't be none. Mull was correct in passing on her revenge bs and should be applauded for being a good steward of the county's resources.

  18. Your post and account of the incident is total bullshit. Neither party said anything about her falling down.

    Grabbing at a phone doesn't merit getting one's head hammered into and man putting their hands on a woman for such a minor action is a coward as is a prosecutor who refuses to file the appropriate charges...

  19. BS yourself. Keep your hands to yourself is rule #1. If the drunk broad doesn't get mouthy and grabby nothing happens. Someone tries to grab my phone from my pocket I have every right to push them away, male or female. No gender passes allowed.

  20. Mull was right, no way to prove how the injury was obtained.

    Many women use this to their advantage when THEY are the aggressor.
    How much does a man have to take before he is allowed to defend himself ??

    Hope one of them has the smarts to break up, or leave.

  21. Supposedly she was grabbing at a cell phone...that is not a whole lot to "take". A man with superior strength has no right to physically injure a woman "to defend himself", compounding the issue he is a police officer trained to diffuse situations like this.

    A real issue is that under the same circumstances Joe Q. Public would be prosecuted for this case ...he was given privilege because he is a cop...

  22. I disagree
    I still say , she could have fallen, injured herself, and is playing victim,
    My son has had charges dropped.( Joe Q Public) Because the woman lied and injured herself.
    Once I had a video of my son arms folded in front of him, while his girlfriend was smacking and beating on him. He couldn't even push her back for fear of going to jail.It was shown to the officers who responded. They wanted HIM to LEAVE his own house for the night.. The second a man touches the woman he is at risk of being locked up. Mull did the right thing.

    1. Wait. what? So just because your son was falsely accused then all women must be lying. You are carrying a grudge and it is clouding your judgment, in this particular case.

    2. Yeah TLIES I think Lisa is right, another thing from your comment your son seems not to have been arrested because there was no probable cause. Police officers are trained not to arrest unless there is probable cause. In this case the police determined THERE WAS probable cause and rightfully arrested this jerk...

      Mull just doesn't have the balls to back up the arresting officer and prosecute the case...

    3. My son was not arrested in the incident I mentioned. But was in another, and charges were dropped. Same as in this case.

  23. Good for your son for showing constraint, these cases are all different and the circumstances are completely different here. Most of the time women are the victims statistics prove it and there have been many women killed by abusers.

  24. Lisa You may comment on my post, but refrain from commenting on my judgement . You don't know me. Nowhere did I say All women are lying.
    My comment was from one instance ,I have been through many. I am just saying there are two sides to each story. In my opinion Men get the brunt end of an altercation between men and women. I don't think the instances are treated equally.

    1. get the brunt end..... That is because men never have a right or reason to put their hands on a woman. Walk away, get a restraining order, but never ever hit someone who is weaker than you are. Period.

    2. I agree, But I do have doubt if he even hit her.

  25. Done my share o''n....butcherknives,roll'n pins, fry'n pans, bats an' shiz.....LOL....SOME chics.....can be a mean, mad,crazy, heathernous broad......LOL...

  26. Hell has no fury as a vengeful woman
