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Monday, April 25, 2011

HT and Mrs. HT to attend Royal Wedding

HT and Mrs. HT been busy today making last minute arrangements before heading off to London for the Royal Wedding. Trying on formal wear and making arrangements with the Queen to stay at Buckingham Castle it's been a busy day. HT will have exclusive pictures of the big day here on The BatBlog...

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  1. Beautiful dress Mrs HT. Just be sure to pull it up over your shoulders when you meet the queen. We were watching the evening news and some lady was giving advice on proper "meeting the queen" etiquette. Speak only when spoken to by the queen, no off the shoulder gowns should be worn in her presence and for heavens sake do not even think about showing cleavage! She may have a royal faint over that!

    Have fun kids! LMAO!

  2. Congratulations HT. Goliath not know you were a royalist!

    Mrs. Ht looking awesome. Goliath now depressed as Goliath, Sheba El Al, Tamara-el, and Little Haj, (not to mention Sprout) not recieve such invitations. Can HT call and wrangle some kind of 'friend' invite. It mean a lot to Sheba El Al.
