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Thursday, April 28, 2011

HT in London

HT and Mrs. HT arrived in London last night and are staying in Buckingham Palace as guests of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Winsdor. I thought I would share some pictures of the Royal rehearsal dinner and HT toasting our hostess the Queen. Will be guests again tomorrow for the big Royal Wedding and stay tuned to the Batblog for exclusive pictures. Don't worry HT will be back home in time for his pre-election day special including all inside analysis and predictions for all the races. Cheerio !!!

Cheers !!!
Rehearsal Dinner Royal Picture

HT and Queen Elizabeth relaxing in front of Buckingham Palace


  1. Dang HT I am impressed. Not only are you attending the royal wedding, you also have a visitor from Poznan, Wielkopolskie on your site right now! Beat that Goliath ... if you can. LOL!

    Oh my gosh I just noticed that you can make the globe spin really fast if you click on it and give it a whirl! It just gets better and better here on HT's blog!

  2. Thanks Chopper, The BatBlog is top notch on many more levels than GAW I have to go now the internet service is lousy here in Buckingham Palace.

  3. Looking at the pic of you and the Queen, Ironhorse wonders how you get thoses glasses to fit your eyes?

  4. CG- No need to rub it in. Goliath already ducking his head and Sheba El Al really mad that HT off in "Swinging London" whilst we battle floodwaters and such here in Jeffersonvilles. Goliath not even get an invitation to Royal wedding even though, technically, Goliath was once a king and is now listed as a "Monarch" on Facebook.

  5. I am a little disapointed that you did not spot Teresa and John Perkins there together. That would have been the scoop of scoops.

    Brian Coffman
