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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Update of SurvivorQuest

Goltiath will host the elimination voting of the Ultimate Sport's Challenge. Sorry about the confusion of the earlier Post. Refer to GAW for further instructions. It's been my pleasure hosting the Ultimate Sport's Challenge of SurvivorQuest...

 I want to thank Goliath for allowing me to be host of part of his cool SurvivorQuest game, it was a lot of fun and Good Luck to the members of Team Awesome and Cool in the remaining Challenges.....


  1. Thanks HT, it was a pleasure to add you to Favorites!

  2. It was a fun challenge even though I know little to nothing about the teams I didn't do too badly. 5 out of 8. Not good enough for immunity though.

  3. You were a great host, HT!
    Thanks so much.....

  4. HT..What can I say? I really really appreciate you running what looks like may have been the best Survivor Quest Challenge so far!

    YOu did a great job. Well worthy of the 2011 Goliath "Best Blog" Award winner!!

  5. Thanks it was fun and close right up until the final game. Good Luck to both Teams..... and now back to the blog wars....
