Clark Co. Democrats will caucus in a new party chairman on Mar. 4. This is a long overdue move to replace Tom "Bulldozer" Galligan. Reportedly three names have come forward as possible candidates to lead county Democrats into the future. Josh Rodriquez, Dustin White, and Diane Swank are people most commonly heard as a possible successor to Galligan...
The BatBlog handicapping expertise rates these named candidates in this order...
Josh Rodriquez (Even money favorite) ...Reportedly Rodriquez a Jeffersonville City councilman is endorsed by Galligan. This makes Rodriquez as the odds on favorite because the caucus is stacked with Galligan friends and supporters much like Jamey Noel stacked his GOP caucus with friends , co-workers and relatives.
Dustin White (3-1)... White local attorney and also on the Jeff city council has been involved in Democratic politics for a long time and The BatBlog feels would be a good choice moving forward to lead local Democrats, but his non ties and rumored feud with Galligan make him the second choice in our handicapping the race...
Diane Swank (25-1).... Nothing against Ms. Swank but her ties to "Toxic" John Perkins make her a long shot. Her odds would be much higher but this same democratic caucus did caucus in "Toxic" John to the Clark Co. commissioners position several years ago even after "Toxic" John finished a poor dead last in the public election...So who knows...
Whoever wins The BatBlog gives their full support as this will be a challenging job and position. Republicans have dominated lately locally, nationally and in the state, and unless Trump's presidency is a complete disaster The BatBlog doesn't see any quick move back to democratic domination.
Whoever wins has to be energetic, dedicated and resolved to recruit new, young, blood and candidates into the democratic fold and help change policy and the ideology that has caused the erosion away from the Dem. party...Good Luck to the winner...he or she will need it....