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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The HT Interview - Part II

Batblog Q.- HT, you have been an outspoken opponent of the Canal. What are your plans  if the Canal is already started when you take office ?
HT Ans.-  If it's already started I will expand the project . I will extend the Canal down Spring St.then make a right turn and extend it down Court Ave.and around the Courthouse.

Batblog Q.- That's a pretty extensive project. How do you propose to pay for this ??
HT. Ans.-  Use the revenue generated by gambling and medical marijuana. Let's return Jeffersonville to it's roots when gambling was open and gave Jeff some character and vitality.

Batblog Q.-  As the Canal plans stand now there would be a Convention Center, shops, cafes, boutiques. Any plans to expand on that theme ?
HT Ans.- I like the idea of a convention center but cafes and boutiques C'mon. Conventioneers want action, I propose near the convention center nightclubs with music, gambling, a dog racing track, Jai Alai, smoke shops and even a redlight district like in Amsterdam and of course medical marijuana clinics. What sells best to the public sex, drugs (legal of course) and rock and roll...

Tomorrow Part III of the exclusive HT interview


  1. Goliath very glad HT is getting on board with the big Goliath idea of a redlight canal district with
    sex shops and smoke shops. Also, Amsterdam has casinos and this be a good big idea. HT very wise to listen up to Goliath's leadership.

  2. HT was impressed with Goliath's big pictorial on Amsterdam and had it in mind with HT's big Canal plans. Extending the canal down Spring and Court all HT's idea.

    Goliath not too bad a guy considering he hangs out with NHBSM...
