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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Election 2011 - Still too Close to Call

As Election 2011 enters it's final month of campaigning HT says it's too close to call in the Dem. mayoral race. It looks like a three way horse race with T. Galligan, Teresa Perkins, and Rob Waiz in a virtual three way dead heat at this time. Mike Moore looks strong for the fall, but things can change. Perkins campaign seems to be gaining momentum, but she still pulling the old ball and chain of John around. Although she sent him packing he could cost her the race...KV you still have the best slogan, too bad this is the only year you can use it...

HT's political sign poll update later this week...


  1. H-T: You known, in reality, Teresa's former spouse is much less of a concern with the voters than the "power brokers" would like.
    However, it IS FUN to poke him with a stick. HE DESERVES it. He WAS definitely a S******* while in office.
    I remember when he edged out Paul Speth in the primary for a Democrat nomination for a council seat in 1971.
    The last precinct to come in was the one that his grandfather worked and JP carried it enough for the win.
    JP's grandfather was a nice person. I think Dale Orem was then edged out for the second spot at-large in the fall in 1971.
    A very nice elderly gentleman that worked at Weinstein's, "Brownie", won the other at-large slot that year with JP.
    It IS a PAYBACK to JP to gripe about him, but the JP factor doesn't really carry over and impact the race significantly.
    The voters in this race are voting their pocketbook and the issues concerning the future.

    In reality, JP is less of a factor than some of the people associated with MM, RW, and TG. Far less.
    For instance, EH for fire chief is really backlashing in the Fire Department. That costs in the fall. (For the record I like EH.)
    MM's choice for city attorney is playing poorly with the other attorneys already.
    There has been some very well focused issue analysis research conducted.
    Things like
    Connie Sellers' "Double Dipping" TWO salaries fom the same unit of government, being a current office holder, excessive spending, a lack of temperment and being unable to work well with others, etc., will impact the voters' choices far more.
    Remember that LW has been associated with BOTH TG and RW. People actually do speak about that. lol.
    A couple of hotheads will B**** about JP, but the actual number of voters making a decision on the race because of JP will be almost infinitesimal.
    JP certainly was a "royal pain in the a**" for several decades. He deserves the rep for being obnoxious. Teresa doesn't. It isn't of general concern to people.
    The voters are viewing Teresa independently and intelligently. She is getting a tremendous response.
    Although JP didn't generally physically perform the type of stalking like the current pain NSBHM, he could be compared to ol NSBHM in some respects to be sure!

    Few people will vote for or against Teresa because of her former spouse. If you are not already voting for Teresa and are for one of the others and/ or if you are still thinking about real issues, your vote is not determined by a dislike of JP.
    There are a LOT of people running for ALL of the races, mayoral, clerk, council, with former spouses. Take for example the "blow up" over MM's former spouse. That is rumored very strongly to be on the table for the fall. While Teresa and some of the others with spouses have a relatively amicable relationship with their ex's. MM may be headed toward a real climax with his. It isn't something I like or condone and I wish it would be avoided, but like the infamous NSBHM says, "it is Jeff". If you read another local blog, you can see that MM's ex and her friends REALLY have strong feelings about what they believe. The old saying in Jeffersonville is that the average number of ex spouses is 2.8!

  2. H-T: The political angle
    and the political desire
    created by the
    "Clark County Ex-Spouse Wars"
    is expanding.

    Synonymous II

  3. H-T: AOL has a timely article concerning the ex spouse wars!

    "Would Women Support Newt Gingrich for President?"

    Read about it at:

  4. Ok, OK, Ok, let's see ............


    For those of you residing out in Yorba Linda, Wikipedia defines parable :

    "A parable is a succinct story, in prose or verse, that illustrates a lesson."

    In the Garden of Eden in the beginning there was Man and Woman.
    And a snake.

    Lets say the snake was a "stalker" out to stir up trouble.

    In order to analyze the "Clark County Ex-Spouse Wars" , let's then look at the 2011 Jefersonville city elections.

    There are 33 candidates in 2011 for the elective city offices, 18 Democrats and 15 Republicans. The Republicans can fill one vacancy if they so desire. The Conservative Libertarians also have earned "ballot access" for the General Election and can field up to another 12 candidates if they so desire. Most likely, some desiring
    "the concept of the Tea Party",
    will link with the Conservative Libertarians.

    Hmmm, I like that it was one of the
    "roots of evil" for the original "stalker snake"
    back in the garden .

    Thus, the snake was able to start this spouse divisive thing between a man and a Woman way back in the beginning. Damn stalker snakes.

    Question #1: How many candidates seeking office in Jeffersonville in 2011 have ex-spouses?
    Current, planned, or pending?

    Question #2: Since the "Stalker Snake" helped start all of this, what "issues' will come out of the woodwork about many of them?

    The old joke is that in Clark County, the average statistical number
    of ex-spouses person is 2.8!

  5. H-T: No discussion of Clark County politics would be complete without including the "Bloated-Toad".
    Seems the toad has a "controversial" cousin in DC!

    Also, you know Brother Golaith will scour this post to read the details since he thinks the "art scene gig" is entirely his domain!

    From the Washington times online edition:

    Pentagon Art: $600,000 Gurgling Toad Sculpture

    "A $600,000 frog sculpture that lights up, gurgles "sounds of nature" and carries a 10-foot fairy girl on its back could soon be greeting Defense Department employees who plan to start working at the $700 million Mark Center in Alexandria, Va. this fall."

    Click on the read:


  6. Art scene is belonging all to Goliath everybody knows that.

  7. I agree with most of your analysis of JP's involvment with TP's campaign. And also from a voters point of view. I don't think LW will have much bearing on TG and RW. TG is self destructive all by himself. RW, not much baggage, dem voters will probably lean his way. KV, he is what he is. On the other side, MM has already told EH is will not be chief, let alone anyone else. SV doesn't want city attorney, and no promises/choice of one has been made. As far as ex-spouses go, MM's ex is old news, she is a scorned woman and you just don't f***** with one unless you are one. That's my MO. MM's sole priorty will getting the voters out in the fall. And like you said, voters will vote with their wallet, and rightfully so. Inflation is coming and hell is riding on its back.

  8. Anonymous: Answers please!

    "As far as ex-spouses go, MM's ex is old news, she is a scorned woman and you just don't f***** with one unless you are one."

    Huh? Expand please.

    What is the old news?
    Who will be his city attorney?
    Who will be his fire chief?
    Who will be his city attorney?
    Who will get the insurance?

    Will he take away a chunk of the huge city vehicle fleet
    and cut back the massive growth of city government?

    Who goes first?

    We'll start the stopwatch.

    Explain please.........

  9. HT: Transparency!
    That is a valid point.

    Fair is fair.

    Kevin in'11 was hammered from day one on the CCC
    when he just said he was thinking about running.

    Kevin was ordered to immediately FULLY DISCLOSE all of his plans.

    He was attacked. It was demanded IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the CCC.
    MM has been planning and laying the groundwork for this office for quite some time.
    It is very well known that he has met with a lot of potential department heads and persons that currently work for the city.
    To deny that would be disingenuous.
    They talk.

    What is fair for Kevin and the others
    is fair for Mike.
    That is reasonable, especially since Mike is the big time front runner.
    It is best for Jeffersonville's economy if the city often utilizes Jeffersonville businesses.
    Spend our tax money at home, as it has a greater economic multiplier and benefit. That also has to addressed.
    Making these demands of Kevin is a slippery slope.

    "You betcha!"

  10. From
    The Detroit Free Press:

    News on one of the top ex's of recent memories.
    Even the paparazzi stalk him carefully!

    Charlie Sheen's opener officially sold out in Detroit!

    "Time to get your tiger blood flowing: We're now just hours away from Charlie Sheen dropping his Torpedo of Truth tour opener onto Detroit."

    The word on the street is Pesty flew to Detroit with several hotties, has a fist full of tickets, a limo, reservations at several top clubs for after parties, and a penthouse hotel suite lined up.

    Synonymous II

  11. H-T:
    Should Kevin start a
    "Torpedo of Truth" tour thing
    in Jeffersonville?
