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Monday, March 28, 2011

HT Acquires Original Print of Perkins Sign Issue

Exclusive to BatBlog HT obtains the original photo from yesterday's John and Teresa Perkins putting up mayoral signs !!!

Looks like more than just NSBHM worried about the candidacy of Teresa Perkins. The original print shows several looking on as John and Teresa put her signs up. How many politicians can you find in this photo ?? The question is who took the picture ?? HM said he did, but he is clearly looking from behind the building...Possibly Young Matt Chinn... The mystery continues....


  1. Bat-Blog alert!


    The "Sign War" news got out that JP put up some signs for Teresa and, guess what?

    Nothing happened!
    JP put up some signs for Teresa and nothing happened!
    It's over!
    The World didn't end!
    We made it!

    Sorry, NSBHM, Jeffersonvile survived!

    There is a morning after!
    Jeffersonville made it through!

    Now, Jeffersonville is ready for Teresa's
    "It's Morning in Jeffersonville"
    campaign to continue.


  2. Breaking news!!!!! I have it on good authority that JP & TBP were seen this morning going into a local screen printing shop with a design for some new T-Shirts. This should really shake things up.

  3. Hoosier-Taxpayer:

    "We at the journalism school,
    who are observing the political sign wars, salute you!"

    The Award-Winning Bat-Blog's timely piece on the
    Clark County Political SIGN Wars
    has started them
    down the path
    and over the precipice of insanity.

    The stalking and bickering over SIGNS
    is staggering.

    It's just SIGNS!

  4. "We talkin bout Practice!" Iverson's line is cool!
    It certainly might be applicable to the "level" of the "sign scirmishes" in Clark County politics.

    Now, as to the "Sign Wars", the CCC has gone from "dithering " over sign wars and dedicated stalking to a sudden concern for
    "Gender Politics"!

    There are eleven (11) women running for office on this spring's ballot. That demographic will be SOMEWHAT difficult to ignore. Fore sure, dude.

    If the "Cartel' and the their CCC "fronters" handle the abuse of gender as well as they have the last few issues-sliming rivals, trying to fix races, party switching, stalking, vote manipulation, back room deals, etc.-this should be an interesting few days.

    Bring on the fun!

    Want to bet they overplay and mishandle that too?
    No one has brought up gender as an advantage, but now that the "Cartel" is starting to try to manipilate that as well, it will be neat to watch the "Cartel" blow another one.

    The "core voters" that have voted in four of the last four elections have been from a strong demographic segment.
    Research it and see.

    Eleven female candidates are on the ballot,
    suggesting that this demographic will respond in the same manner it always does in other races that have been researched.


  5. Look at those clothes she was wearing...she was BEGGING for it.

  6. H-T: IT CAN HAPPEN HERE! Oh, no....Sign Wars can escalate!

    "Ironically, though, in the last few days, people have started acting like their signs are critically important. They're defending their signs with weapons.

    Last week, The Tennessean reported that a Green Hills woman had booby-trapped her two Kerry signs by gluing thumbtacks on them, pointy-ends out. Seems she's willing to give a dose of tetanus to the next sumbitch who touches one of her precious signs


  7. Sign wars is heating up again on Clark County Chatter. Someone has called out Kevin Vissing for stopping by to straighten one of his own signs that the wind had blown over while in his work truck. I guess he should have driven all the way home to get his personal vehicle before getting out to straighten his sign?

    Who would have thought signs would be the big issue for the primary?
