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Thursday, October 4, 2012

HT and the BatBlog Claim Victory over the Oracle !

Since the reappearance of HT's "Award winning" BatBlog the Oracle has slithered away in defeat. After being called out on his BS by the  staff here at the BatBlog and knowing he is ill equipped to handle HT he has closed shop and left town. Aware the only reason for his "Goliath Award" win was because the BatBlog was on a hiatus at the time we say Good Bye and good riddance Oracle. Just like his past victories over Goliath, HT once again Victor in the Blog Wars.

 Ahhh Victory is Sweet.....


  1. Indeed it is.

    Congratulations on your well-earned victory!

  2. I appreciate your enthusiasm HT, but I wouldn't let my guard down against the hate filled thugs of the Oracle's Lounge. I'm sure they are cooking up some more seedy yarns to spin. This city needs a giant spoon of ipecac syrup to purge the poison.

  3. I'm really glad you're back!
    (hello to "Mountain View, California", who I notice is viewing the batblog right now, lol!)
