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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just Wondering...Do the Local Police Tip off the News Media ???

   HT just saw where another elaborate pot growing operation shut down by Clarksville police. HT just wonders if police tip off the news media in advance of these raid. Every local news station had cameras in position video recording the event. Maybe it's me but this doesn't look like earth shattering news and this dude doesn't look like some big time drug dealer,,,, but I guess it makes local police look good on TV and all.

Why doesn't the government just legalize this stuff, tax the hell out of it. Then the police would have time to chase the real bad guys. Save the taxpayers some money in the process, but then again the police wouldn't get to be on TV looking good busting these big time elaborate operations,   if it was legal..... WDRB 41 Louisville - News, Weather, Sports Community


  1. I find the monetary value placed on confiscated weed to be preposterous. $1,000 per plant is the common number bandied about by law enforcement. How is a non-budding, 12-inch plant worth that much?

  2. Agreed Anon. the video explains that this was a good dude respected by his's a shame when there are real bad guys running loose and causing more problems than this guy....
