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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Heeees Baaaccckkk !!!

   Love him or hate him you have to give ole "Toxic" John Perkins his due. I'm sure he's got a big shit eating grin a mile wide tonight like the cat that ate the canary. With everybody except the BatBlog  crying about his candidacy for a City council seat in the May Dem. primary ole John done hoodwinked them again...He's on the ballot by a judge's ruling today...

  Like a cat with nine lives and one of those green flies you can't swat away, brother John is back in the political arena he loves. Unfortunately for John, even though he'll be on the ballot he doesn't stand a snowball in hell's chance of winning... even the primary. He's been "toxic" to voters around Jeff for a long time but you can't beat him out of the  political scene with a stick.

  John is probably more qualified to hold office than anyone in the city....his knowledge of city and local government is beyond reproach, but his condescending attitude along with a fair amount of narcissism make him a political pariah, but it actually doesn't matter...

  If you come right down to it I don't believe John gives a rat's ass one way or another what the electorate thinks of him or his candidacy. He thinks he's relevant in his own mind and that's all that matters to him. So cheers and hats off to "Toxic" John Perkins, just like you hoodwinked the Dem. caucus into placing you in the County commissioner's position got them again....


  1. The two biggest egos in C.C. politics Perkins and Galligan both are killing the democratic party here locally.

  2. You would think Perkins would be embarrassed after finishing last in his last few elections, that he would just give it up.

  3. He is so well qualified and intelligent he can't get hired in the private sector? Only way he can earn money is to spend other people's money to try to get elected.

    Perhaps its because he is so narcissist he can't stand the idea of having to work regular hours under a boss. Or maybe he hasn't saved a penny for retirement and his only hope is a government pension.

    Hope he comes in dead last again. Not that his ego would actually interpret that to mean anything.

  4. This is hysterical the democrats fighting among themselves over who is and who isn't on the ballot.Meanwhile the republicans are kicking ass at the elections.
