The BatBlog has learned that Diane Swank didn't stand up at the last Dem. meeting in response to candidates for the Chairmanship (of course she could still run). It has been confirmed Kate Miller current vice chair will run for the chair but still no word on Dustin White's intentions. Also Josh Rodriquez's wife Meredith will run for Josh's vacant city council seat against veteran Ron Ellis.
Sadly local Democrats will have to re-caucus Sunday April 9th to elect a new Clark Co, chairman after the tragic death of recently elected Josh Rodriquez. Officially no one has declared interest in the vacant position. The BatBlog would think that Jeff City councilman Dustin White would still be interested in the position as would Diane Swank both of whom ran against Mr. Rodriquez in the earlier caucus.

In a last minute political move White threw his support to Ms. Swank in the earlier caucus. Will Mr. White run his own candidacy this time or again support Swank ??? Mr White checks into The BatBlog on occasion so hopefully he will give us an answer... Also according to the News/Tribune vice chair Kate Miller is also considering a run at the chairman vacancy.
The earlier caucus was marred by allegations of manipulating the precinct committee and vice committee persons by former chair Tom "The Bulldozer" Galligan. The BatBlog hopes "Bulldozer won't interfere with the process and allow the precinct committee people to think on their own and vote their conscious and the best person to unite the party.
The BatBlog endorsed Mr. White for the position earlier and if he decides to run again believes he deserves and has earned the right and is the best man for the job. There is no doubt the Democratic party is fractured on several levels (local, state , national) right now...but with the right leaders and party unity there is no reason Democrats can't return to prominence and elect people to bring honor to public service again...