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Monday, June 16, 2014

Tips to the BatBlog...Stay Vigilant

See or hear of something that isn't right, or needs to be checked out. Contact the BatBlog at

The BatBlog relies on your anonymous tips for leads for stories and features. We have gotten tips from some of the drug court defendants on the usage of drugs and the operation within the Clark Co. jail. On the waste of funds in the sewage dept. and other government departments. Plus several stories we are currently working on. So if you see something that needs to be looked into drop us an e-mail or in the comments section of the blog just say do not publish. It doesn't have to be a negative or investigative story if you have ideas on interesting people or events let us know. The internet is a powerful tool to keep information flowing and allowing open communication where nothing can be hidden and people can beware.

Stay vigilant my friends....


  1. Who the heck is "we"?

    Does HT have a sprawling newsroom down their in the batcave?

  2. Find out who killed GAW news....
    It was a silly site, but I hate to see it broken and dead like it is today.

  3. Yes the BatBlog has become quite an extensive operation G. Including a photographer, investigative reporter, editorial staff and legal dept. headed by the honorable Jackie C. Chiles Esq.

  4. Apparently the powers that be put an end to GAWS occasional excellent reporting of public corruption. An example of why government dislikes the internet.
