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Thursday, June 12, 2014

What's That Smell ??? Is it Sewage Management ???

Local watchdog NHBSM checking out the sewer system
That smell around town might be more than just the various sewer treatment plants around town , it might be Jeffersonville's sewer management dept. as well. Residents served by the Jeffersonville sewer dept.(wastewater) having been paying for years on the EPA mandate and yet the city is no closer to fulfilling the requirements of the EPA than they were years ago when they first started supposedly paying for it. Supposedly the money isn't there to put in the line to allow the sewer system to be in compliance.

  Just what is the problem ?? Well according to a contractor doing some of the sewer work for the city the dept. is woefully mismanaged. Work and planning normally and should have been done by the dept. is at times laid off on the contractors therefore increasing costs. There have been controversies in the past about the brand new city vehicles driven by wastewater management, relatives being hired and there was a recent lawsuit where the plaintiffs won damages because of alleged sewer dept. negligence and improper actions.

The Sewer dept. does have one good thing going for it ...the billing dept. where the nice ladies do a great job receiving and checking our bills with a smile even when listening to complaining customers. Jeffersonville might takes some tips from OPCD (Oak Park Conservancy District) which maintains a sewage plant right among a nice neighborhood in a residential area without the issues with odors that Jeff has.

Or another suggestion instead of putting the names of those falling behind their bills in the newspaper, maybe putting the names of management who aren't doing their jobs, and where the hell did all the money go that was supposed to satisfy the EPA.....


  1. Great pic!!!!
    Shove him back down and weld the cover closed.

  2. These outrageous sewer bills are killing homeowners and I'm sure mismanagement of funds is part of it.

  3. Im so tired of our county being known for corruption, mismanagement, over-delayed projects, unconstitutional rights violations, cover-ups, outrageous taxing, etc. It's always something negative in the press about our county and the people in charge continuously screwing up one way or another. This is how neighboring areas view the county we call home. It isn't fair to the honest, hard-working, law abiding citizens of our county to be labeled in such a manner due to POWER and MONEY hungry slime in charge of running our county!

    Get informed, ask questions, write letters to office holders, get in touch with your community as much as possible, become aware of local problems, demand honesty integrity and honor from those in positions of power, and do everything you can to replace those who do not properly perform their position the way it was established and intended to be.

    God Bless Clark County - My Home
    8 )

  4. The guy that runs the place makes boocoo money and had his wife working in the dept. He 's always tooling around town in a new four wheel drive truck, lotsa waste there.
