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Monday, September 10, 2012

Clark Co. Politics, Lawyers and Politicians..... No Wonder We're Broke

   Ever wonder why Clark Co. is nearly broke ???  Another example of why is in Monday's News and Tribune Story. Seems like one office of Clark Co. government is suing another office AGAIN. Yep, this is twice in less than a year. Earlier the Sheriff's Dept. sued the County Council for more money. This time it's the County Commissioners suing the Co. Auditor's office. Hey dudes, every time Co. attorney Fifer puts a choke hold on another office it's costing us taxpayers more money. Money the County doesn't have. Earth to  Politicians " lawyers don't work cheap" and this litigation could be tied up for months...

 In the comments section of the N&T article Fred really nailed it he wrote ........This is another example of the County Commissioners trying to show their muscles with county employees. Monty did what he was supposed to do and checked with State Officials on the law and regulations. Instead of working with each other the Commissioners decide to Sue instead. This is a great example of team work guys! I think the Commissioners are still upset over Monty and the Sheriff working together to buy new cars with no cost to the Taxpayers! Shame on you Monty and Danny, trying to save us money!! 
In less than 2 months two of these clowns are up for re-election. It is time to get them out of there and put some new blood into this County. How much longer do we have to put up with this nonsense? Hopefully not to much longer. Hey Monty want to have some, have your Lawyer do a Change of Venue so its out of Clark County!!
September 10, 2012, 8:06 A

Fifer must feel like Clint Eastwood in a Fistful of Dollars playing one side against the other while he cleaned up. Hey if we're going to sue somebody lets sue the Harrison Co.Auditor they've got money over there. We're like the dog that bites his own paw....Jeez  Send in the Clowns !!!


  1. Dang HT kind of hard on the local political folks lately.

  2. No harder than our politicians are on us......

  3. That's Fifer with a headlock on Monty Snelling and I can make out Perkins who are the other two clowns LOL

  4. The other two clowns are Meyer and Young Co. Comm.s, both of whom are up for re-election in November....
