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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Happened to the Oracle ??? Seven Theories

 Has the Orifice disappeared ?? The mouthpiece of the Galligan "Crybabies" the Oracle has disappeared from posting on his site. Several theories out there

1.) He met the same fate as "Green Eggs and Ham" (see picture)

2.) He is running scared as his true identity has been uncovered.

3.) The moles from the City Council feeding him information realized how stupid and childish they looked.

4.) The main Puppeteer behind the Oracle pulled him in , in fear of being outed as well.

5.) The Oracle suddenly grew a conscience and realized he was creating nothing or printing anything that
actually helps the citizens and the City of Jeffersonville.

6.) The Oracle realized that no one really cared what he had to say, other than those who can't move forward and are as bitter as TG about the defeat.

7.) He got a real job


  1. has to be fear, they hate Moore too much to just decide one day to forgive and move on.

    Galligan has already said he's going to run again so someone has to be there running up anger over the crack in the sidewalk that happened under Moore's watch! Doesn't he care about the children?


  2. Ahh, this is familiar.
    Has happened before. The rats scurry in frantic fear when the light is turned on, yes?

  3. Me thinks it is fear. And I also wonder if Phil McCauley is lurking around somewhere shaking in his boots too...

  4. I have no problem with someone creating a site disagreeing with policy of government.

    But the Oracle was created just to be vengeful. It was created by jealous, bitter losers whose only purpose to create more political dissension.

    The Oracle have no intention of helping the City move forward and has insulted the intelligence of the voters who spoke loud and clear...

    If the Oracle is gone.... good riddance....

  5. Agree HT. The Lounge was created out of hate. Maybe they were having fun with it, but trying to ruin people professionally, financially and personally exceeds the bounds of good fun. Call or email LT and see what the deal is. Visible Stealth.

  6. Sorry, but I love the Oracle's Lounge and hope it's back soon...He did know of which he spoke and was witty to boot...Would I have wanted to be on the receiving end of some of his critiques??...No...But, if I were in a position where I was open game, as our local politicians are, I hope I would have been smart enough to not give him the material or opportunity to flay me out...Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on who you are, there has been abundance of material for the Oracle to work with.

    He took a hiatus several months ago and my guess is that's the case now, but time will tell.

    I didn't realize you were back up HT until just now...Welcome back!! :)


  7. Thanks Jules I guess the Oracle has one thing going for him, he has you as a fan. We'll have to agree to disagree on the Oracle though.....

  8. Love the Oracle! Not just because I agree with his "take" on Jeffersonville but mainly because he/she is very passionate about what's best for Southern Indiana as a whole...Plus I get his/her sense of humor :)

  9. Yes, The Oracle is a real freaking hoot! I recall him printing rumor and innuendo that nearly led to a private citizen losing their job. What a guy/gal! Yes, attempting to get a private citizen fired is surely what's best for southern Indiana.

  10. One thing is for certain, the Oracle is out for blood and he doesn't care who gets hurt. He is so obsessed with Mike Moore it's scary. Like a stalker.

  11. A week later and still no Oracle. One has to wonder if the IP request made someone a bit too uncomfortable?

  12. That the "other shoe hasn't fallen" on the open records request, (to turn the table and get the council members' records) has kept a few people quieter than usual, yes?
