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Friday, September 21, 2012

Guess the Honeymoon Really is Over

"Mutt and Jeff"
  Looks like the honeymoon really is over between Mayor Mike Moore and Jeffersonville "watchdog" NSBHM. After singing the praises of MM before last years election, NSBHM quickly soured on the new administration and now refers to Moore and Redevelopment Comm. Rob Waiz as "Mutt and Jeff."

  Was it the differences on redevelopment board ? Did NSBHM want a position in the administration ??
Did NSBHM over estimate his influence ?? What gives ??

Watchdog NSBHM

Seems to the writers here at the BatBlog that NS has been a little too quick and too harsh in his criticism. What happened to giving some one a chance to prove themselves. After all redevelopment is very subjective and what looks good to some may not look good to others. Let's give the new administration a chance and leave the name calling for later if it's deserved.....

************************POLL UPDATE*****************

NSBHM continues to hold substantial lead with 41% of the vote Petsy/ Goliath edges into 2nd place...19%

HT yet to get a vote (what's up with that)


  1. Hard to figure Hutt out, he worked so hard to elect Moore only to abandon him. There may be more to the story than he lets on.

  2. I also believe there's more to the story too...More that would not shine an attractive light on the current administration.

    And by "more" I don't necessarily mean a particular incident or moment, but perhaps more along the lines of the general atmosphere and vibes coming from the Mayor's office...Something that made Hutt quickly realize that candidate Mike Moore that he so ardently campaigned for turn into a completely different type of politician once elected...( I have to add that some of us were not surprised at all and really don't see any change...But that's a different subject). :)

    NSBHM got the job he wanted and could have easily kept it...So when he chose to buck the new Mayor and give up his position so quickly certainly made a statement...Now whether that was more of statement against Moore or Waiz I'm not sure...But, either way I believe Hutt sincerely feels the city not being well-served...And coming from the Mayor's most die-hard supporter that told me all I needed to know.

    Anyone who knows NSBHM and my history of differing opinions has to know the above statements don't come especially easy from me...But, I do believe them...And I also believe that as far as Hutt was concerned things didn't smell right in Denmark.


  3. Is is possible Hutt thought his appointment to the Redevelopment Board was something to take seriously, only to find out very quickly that he was exprected to be nothing more than a rubber stamp for MM's plans? And would it be unusual for someone in Hutt's shoes to be offended and upset at finding out he was expected to be nothing more than a rubber stamp? Part of Hutt's complaints about TG's administration hinged on the city council being a rubber stamp for TG...then he was appointed to what should have been a serious position of responsibility only to find out he was meant to be one of those rubber stamp types?

    I won't say I like the measures Hutt took to take TG down, but I will say I believe he thought MM would be better for the city, and by accepting the appointment to the Redevelopment Board, he seriously thought he would be in a position to help Jeffersonville. But then he found out MM just wanted a rubber stamp.

  4. I think in Hutt's situation, it was less about issue position, and more about going behind the back of the person who appointed you to a position of influence. Disagreement on any issue is expected to happen from time to time. Learning after the fact that someone you trusted went behind your back is altogether different. The kind of people who would do that should be and were removed.

  5. I thought it was naive of NSBHM to think he shouldn't support the one who appointed him. In any political appointment loyalty and support is vital....

  6. Exactly HT!!...Loyalty is important...But, it works two ways.

    Someone appointed to an office does have some obligation to be loyal to the person who put them there, ( not blind loyalty though)...But, I also think the person doing the appointing has the obligation to be who they were both before and after their election...Or at least who they presented themselves as.

    I believe the expectations of the types of idea's and projects that NSBHM fully expected the administration to present, ( things I think he probably had no doubt he could support), turned out to be the exact opposite...Things he must have strongly felt were not good for the city.

    And as I've said before, to have your strongest advocate do such an about face so early on in your administration speaks volumes...In so many ways.

    And I'll go on to add that for the administration to not try and find some way to work with Hutt...To prove to him they had the best idea, etc...To ultimately let him go wasn't a smart move on their part, ( which makes you question the thought process, or lack of, at the Quad)...The whole "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" thing...But, I guess we'll see.


  7. Hutt can give any reason he wants for resigning from redevelopment. I have a theory on his resignation. I do believe that Hutt enjoys the role of watchdog. He enjoys the attention received by being watchdog. Being on the team was going to limit his ability to gripe and moan about the most petty of things happening in the city. He craves the spotlight. If Chatter went away, he'd lose his mind and become bloated with drink.

  8. Interesting theory may be right Hutt relishes his position as community "watchdog", and if you're working in a position of Gov. it would be difficult to be critical without ruffling feathers....good input

  9. MM most definitely was wanting rubber stamps and Yes men, It's the same reason S Strocen resigned and everyone was told it was because of his business schedule conflicts .... That was a false statement on MM saying that to the Newspaper. It's Mike's way or the highway ask anyone in City Hall
