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Sunday, September 9, 2012

More from the Horse's Mouth errr Ass

  Mr Ed's ( the Oracle) other piece this week was on apologies supposedly owed to Matt Owen and the residents of Jeffersonville. Minor issues like the taking down the Galligan sign (like somebody really gives a
 F  - - -) and nosing out Owen for the GOP mayoral race (should have manned up Matt if you really wanted to run.)

  Once again the Orifice has planted his hoof firmly in his mouth, or shall I say firmly planted his head up his Ass (just like his head is up his Ex- Boss' Ass.) If Galligan would start apologizing now it will take him until the end of MM's second term to finish.

How about an apology for illegally firing the sewer operations manager resulting in the lawsuit that cost the taxpayers nearly a million dollars....

How about an apology for destroying Vissing Park without notifying  neighbors who reside near the park or obtaining the proper permits or even obtaining authorization from the Parks Authority.....

How about an apology for trebling sewer bills on the premise we had to have a canal.....

How about an apology for calling out the JPD for photographing your drunk City attorney in a garbage can....

How about an apology for annexing all the people who wanted no part of living in Jeffersonville all in a money grab....

Finally how about an apology for doing absolutely nothing to improve the Jeffersonville downtown or anywhere for that matter in your 12 years as mayor......

The list could go on and on you get the idea.....The Oracle has obviously spent too much time in his stall to actually know anything about what goes on in Jeff ,other than what the ones who pull his strings tell him.

Come on Orifice be your own horse, try and make or have an original thought on your own....


  1. That would certainly be a lot of apologizing if the past administration was held to the same standard.

    An apology probably isn't owed to the mayor for an FOIA request, but one might be owed to the taxpayers if the intent of the FOIA was really just to ascertain who cracked some jokes at the requester's expense. It takes labor hours, paper and ink to respond to an information request. The purpose of the request should be important enough to justify the use of those resources. I'm not sure this one is.

  2. Agreed Anon. sounds like nothing more than a witch hunt with no witches...

  3. somebody should apologize for the landscaping mess created on 62

  4. Larry, Larry and Ed must be so disappointed to not have come up with anything really juicy to use.
