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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Most Pitiful Poster Poll - Local Internet Personalities

     Starting tomorrow HT will open a series of Polls to determine who is the Best and Worst of the Local Internet community.  The first one will be "Most Pitiful Poster" this will include posters of the local blogs and forums (CCC.) This one is dear to HT's heart as he won  "Most Pitiful Poster" (actually tied with Kelley) a couple of years ago on Goliath's old blog. I'll list a few of the possible nominees but feel free to send in your own. Rule 1 though , this is all in fun,  do not send expletive laced comments to HT send them to GAW News Later on "nicest poster", "Best personality", "Best feature on a blog or forum" "Most Interesting Poster" and other catergories.....Now with my nominees for "Most Pitiful Poster"

Hood/ SynomousII - Hands down winner for most content, come on Hood a little less content and more to the point. And enough with all the cartoons and pics.....boring.... and you want HT's Goliath award returned

HT - A loose cannon that fires from the hip and former winner...

Debbie - I' ll bet she's a load of laughs at the family picnic. We get it you don't like government Debbie, she turns every post into an anti -government rant and has printed 27,685 articles in the News/Tribune to prove it. Move to Somalia.(no government there)....see how that works.

Kelley - (sorry Kelley) only because you tied with me in Goliath's Poll and you agree with Debbie a lot, I actually like a lot of what you write.

Pesty/ Goliath -   Pesty doesn't post too much anymore, but since he managed to piss off  95 % of the CCC while shamelessly peddling Goliath's Blog he/they are included.

Quasar - (The Big Q) what can I say he once asked for all members of Congress that voted for Obamacare to be tried and executed creates about 10 anti Obama topics a week on the CCC....

That's my list, remember it's all in fun ... do you have any nominees ???


  1. nominate Hutt everything was against galligan now everything is against Moore

  2. What about abbysnana she should be in the poll.

  3. Grumpy Granny? This old broad is pretty pitiful, lol.

  4. Nope GrumpyGranny might be on the "Best Posters " Poll though....

  5. But wait! This is rigged! Goliath will get all those with ax to grind against Goliath, all those with ax to grind against PESTY too! Come one!

  6. WAIT! This is so unfair! You tied Goliath up with I get all the Pesty hater votes PLUS all the GOLIATH hater votes! Rigged!

  7. Goliath also thinks you misremembering....Goliath will look an see, thinking HT was tied for 2nd as most pitiful poster.

  8. Now Goliath go over and try and vote. This really really tough...Quasar...He should get it because he is just a rehash of the Rush Limbaugh show every day.

    Debbie...she should win because of her 'nattering' and her inability to evolve beyond what she read twenty year ago in Ayn Rand.

    Kelley...Maybe she should win because of the massive tonnage of "ick" factor. She has a good brain...its just wasted!

    What to do?

  9. Quit bitchin about the ballot G. and just vote....

  10. Goliath demand TWO for for PESTY

  11. Dad blast is one of those Mitt Romney 'victims' in your bat mind. Now I remembers..Coltfan torpedoed you in that Goliath poll and ADMITTED it. PLus...YOu bribed Goliath by buying a wife beater Goliath DEMAND a retraction of the claim you WON this here!!!

  12. Relax G. your safe as long as the Big Q., the Hood and Debbie are in the race. I voted for "Hood" the jerk demanded that I return my "Goliath Award"...touche'

  13. Glad to see I am not one the list. I must have dropped out in a qualifier. Who got the spot instead of me? I hope it was The Hood. Now I just have to figure out who to vote for? I am thinking it may go to Q but it is close.

    Brian Coffman

  14. Can you vote for 2?

  15. Nominations:


    Debbie didn't read Ayn Rand twenty years ago. It was recent if she has read her at all.

  16. Pitiful huh?
    If you had said ignorant, brain-dead
    or just plain stupid the list would
    have been MUCH longer.

  17. Yeah RF I can think of about 10 more that could be on the list...
