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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Has Bill Clinton helped Obama Turn the Tide ??

 Bill Clinton's campaigning along with several gaffes by Romney seem to have turned the tide toward the re-election of Barrack Obama. Polls in several of the battleground states show Obama edging ahead.It seems to me that Clinton's excellent speech at the Dem. Convention has catapulted the President forward. Here's a video on the unparalleled popularity of Bill Clinton even after being out of office for 12 years. Bill still knows how to work a crowd and if Pres.Obama is reelected he can thank Clinton for help pushing him past Romney.
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*************************************************UPDATE ON MOST PITIFUL POLL**************

NSBHM has taken an early substantial lead in the "Most Pitiful Poster" poll with 38% of the vote followed by Hood/SynomousII and Goliath/Pesty with 17% each 



  1. Absolutely love Bill Clinton!

  2. Paving the way for a possible Hillary run in 2016 ?

  3. Honestly, in 2008 the last person I would have voted for was Hillary Clinton. I have gained so much respect for her since then. Bring it Hillary!

  4. I agree Chopper, I can't think of a better candidate for being the first woman president then Hillary Clinton.

    Doesn't have the charisma of Bill but certainly has the intelligence and grit to make an excellent leader...

  5. If Hilary has won the nomination in 2008 I'd have had no trouble supporting her and I do agree she would make a good candidate for 2016, ( but am picking up different vibes as to whether she will or won't).

    But, I'm interested in even farther down the road if she does and if she doesn't who might be coming up in the party...Right now my money is on the San Antonio mayor who spoke at the convention...Watch him!!.


  6. I didn't catch the SA mayor I'll have find out some info on him....Thanks for the tip Jules
