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Friday, September 28, 2012

Open Records Request, the Oracle and more....revisited

   Sources  to the BatBlog have revealed that the open records request for internet and city cell phone usage of City employees by City Councilman Matt Owen may have led directly or indirectly to the demise or temporary disappearance of the Oracle.

    Our sources say that several fellow members of the Council including several fellow Rep.'s are none too happy with this young Mr. Owen opening this can of worms.  The Source goes on to say that more than several communiques between the Oracle and city workers and current Council members may show up in the information requested by Mr. Owen.

  The Oracle has been rumored to be former Information Director Larry Thomas of the Galligan administration. If this true it would only substantiate what the BatBlog staff believes, that it is politics as usual that holds back the development and future of Jeffersonville. No matter who is in the mayor's office even when it  was a fellow Dem. like  former mayor Rob Waiz the previous administration and cronies do everything in their power to undermine the current mayor whomever it might be.

  In conclusion the stagnant state of Jeffersonville will continue unless our leaders (I use the term "leaders" loosely) put aside their political differences and work together. Which we here at the BatBlog don't see happening......


  1. If they fired every city worker and office holder that misused the city provided cell phones and internet serviced city hall would be a ghosttown.

  2. The technology exists to track internet traffic among employees. It seems it would be a useful tool for the city to acquire.
    It is widely used in the private sector of businesses.


  3. Still no Oracle...

    which has to mean fear at this point?

    Or is anyone on vacation? Last time there was this long of a silence, Larry Wilder was on vacation in Europe.
