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Monday, May 19, 2014

Drug Culture....A Radical Answer ???

   We've discussed addictions from a variety of  drugs from caffeine, nicotine, alcohol to cocaine, heroin and meth. Human beings all have tendencies to form an addiction of some kind, some way more harmful then others. There's no winning the war on drugs, that's a given ....what to do ??? A radical answer too radical to even consider in today's political climate, but in our opinion much more practical then the way we are going about it know. is to decriminalize the possession of ALL drugs to the point of practically making them all legal. Portugal has adopted this stance and changed laws to the point  where having  possession of even heroin and cocaine is no worse than getting a traffic ticket. The results have been promising over the last 12 years Portugal Drug Policy

We spend billions of dollars chasing, convicting, housing drug dealers and users. The measure of decriminalization would eliminate a lot of this cost and free up an overloaded court system bogged down with drug cases. The money saved could be applied to more badly needed rehab and drug counseling centers. It's a radical program, that the time isn't right for, but with the decriminalization of marijuana in some western state and legal personal usage legal in others, maybe in the future it's time will come after billions more are wasted on the lost "War on Drugs"....


  1. Freedom is scary.

  2. And don't forget "They hate us for our freedoms"

    That's why freedom is so scary!

  3. Glad our tax dollars go to stuff like this:

  4. The War On Drugs has been a dismal failure. There are more dangerous drugs on the streets than ever. We jail people who are mostly drug dependent. The cartels flood the streets with cheap narcotics with immunity. The people who benefit from this failed policy are the jails, prisons, attorneys, courts and law enforcement personnel. Thus, the war on the poor and addicted will continue.
