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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Queen Bee of the Clark Co. Courts ??? Questions, Questions, Questions

 Is Vicki Carmichael the Queen Bee of the Clark Co. courts ?  Does she attempt to or control Judges Weber, Jacobi ? Did she work behind the scenes to have Dan Moore defeated in last week's primary ? Does she use the probation Dept. responsibly or use it for political maneuvering ? Was she being financially reckless in filing another mandate against Clark Co. government and taxpayers ? Does she feel invincible politically that she can do anything she wants ? Is she a good judge or just been fortunate ? Anybody have any answers ?

Link to the mandate story  CLICK HERE

*** Thanks to the reader who supplied the link to the BatBlog in another post...


  1. We as a people should ban lawyers.
    We should do it for the children.....

  2. The answer to all your questions is yes, which I think you already knew.

  3. Who controls the controllers? In her case, nobody! Same as with Jacobi. Now the County will suffer for years to come. Jacobi had numerous and ongoing complaints regarding the fired chief's abuse of power and did noting about it. They were finally and completely outsmarted by their victims.

  4. My guess is they are in damage control mode, not sure how best to handle this. If they prosecute the two employees it will get ugly and the two employees are going to try to nail Jacobi to the wall...

    This is an election year and any more bad publicity will be avoided at all costs...

  5. Can't do anything to make the rest of the good ol boys look bad

  6. Hey, Hey, Hey. The "good ole boys" are finally on the way out!

  7. "Well Im a King Bee, Buzzin" Round Your Hive" Slim Harpo
