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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Our Drug Culture.... What's your Poison ???

    Caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, anti-depressants, pain killers ....What's your drug of choice ???

 Let's admit it and be truthful we are a drug society. The drugs run the gamut of those listed above to much stronger more damaging and addictive drugs like heroin and meth. While realizing the  more potent, damaging drugs are a scourge to society and costly problem when they are abused and the crimes (burglary, robbery, prostitution)  generated from those addictions. Try  to abstain from your morning coffee or quit your cigarettes cold turkey,  quit taking your anti-depressant or just start on that diet you need.  In a week you just might have a little more sympathy and compassion for those addicted to hard drugs.

 You say well that's not a fair comparison heroin and caffeine. True to a point but also similar in the addiction is real in one as it is in the other. Let's face we live in a drug enhanced, induced world and Americans are probably the most reliant and addicted to the varying scope of drugs.  Fast paced life, pressures to succeed feed  the addiction cycle here in America with our addictions varied but effecting all races and all economical and social classes.

Let's get one thing straight the U.S. lost the war on drugs a long time ago, it's a war we never had a chance of winning, it's a war that was lost before it ever began. For ever drug dealer locked away there is one waiting to take his place. We take drug users and lock them up in jails where drugs are just as available as on the street if not more. It's an endless cycle, that will never be broken. The black market for drugs is too lucrative a business to even think law enforcement has any chance of ever stopping or slowing down drug traffic. We spend billions of dollars in enforcement and the courts yearly perpetuating  this ever growing cycle. Where will it end ???

End of Paet I....Tomorrow a radical solution ???


  1. Nicotine, caffeine, cannabinoids, chocolate. In that order and on a really good day all at the same time.

  2. The drug war is how they keep us in line. It has become the "probable cause" for any cause. Has it made us safer? How? Now we just have drug dealers in white coats hidden behind a office door.

    I will take scary freedom over the prison state our nation has become.


    This is what the drug war reminds me of:

  3. It's a big problem as pain pill abuse has become totally out of control.

  4. There are a lot of things we disagree upon Tina but you're right on on this ....Thanks for the link...

  5. As they've cracked down on the pain pills, people have switched to heroin. We're saying goodbye to a family member today over it.

  6. And the state prosecutors continue to convict the victims of the problem. Have possession of one pill and we nail you with a felony. We could arrest a majority of our population with this policy if the police pull enough people over. Rehab is nonexistent but we have room in the county jail. Lets make the addict a felon so that they are forever excluded from legitimate employment. What total BS.
