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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thoughts on Yesterday's Primary....

  As predicted the turnout was very low yesterday with less than 15% of the registered voters bothering to vote, which is sad but predictable. On the other hand those who did vote did so intelligently and with conviction, rejecting both John Perkins and Jerry Jacobi handily. The Democrats put themselves in pretty good position for the fall election with an strong lineup that should produce winners in the judicial and county clerk positions.

The BatBlog was disappointed and shocked by Dan Moore's loss but believe both Drew Adam's and Laura Harbison will be good judges who will hopefully stand their ground, follow their own path and not be influenced by the other two Clark County current judges Carmichael and Weber.

As for Perkins and Jacobi this will probably end their political careers. Jacobi's incompetence and the embarrassment he brought to this area will leave a lasting  memory and financial effect on the County for years to come. As far as Perkins the only thing he ever won was a City Council seat many moons ago, but his arrogant demeanor and condescending attitude toward voters followed him everywhere he went. It's a shame as the man had a broad knowledge of the way government works, but had the personality of a door knob....

Just an observation but Democratic leadership should have tried to separate Susan Popp and Steve Fleece from running for the same office, both are good likable candidates and it's a shame one had to lose.

Finally, the BatBlog was impressed by the showing of newcomer Dennis Ettel who nearly pulled off an upset in his first attempt at office for Clark Co. Commissioner. Of course it may have been more that voters were not too enamored of either Perkins or the winner Abbot...


  1. I was shocked by Dan Moore's defeat as well, I thought he was a shoo-in.

  2. Yeah Moore's defeat is one race I couldn't figure out either. I thought he would win easily, just goes to show you that you never know in politics.

  3. Who's all coming to the commissioners meeting tonight to see the lame duck show his true colors now that he's not running for re-election?

    Thank goodness there are two Republicans to neuter any damage he could do like sign another 3 year contract for his girlfriend.
