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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Local Celebrity Look Alikes Part V...Sorry Tina you're a "Politician" now and Fair Game... LOL

Gomer Pyle
Gomer Fetz

Shirley Temple
Martina Webster

Monty Snelling
Mr. Hayney


  1. I refuse to consider Tina a politician. Aspiring public servant, perhaps. But she's just as cute as a button in her look-a-like pic.

  2. If Tina ever obtains office Goliath envisions a despont of assessment...drunk with power lording it over the peons.

  3. Amazing look alikes lol.

  4. The only people I would ever consider peons are those who believe their power makes them nobility or untouchable.

  5. You'll have to excuse the Big G. Tina it sounds like he's been hanging out with NHBSM again.

    Big G. Tina will be the most qualified, best Assessor this county has ever seen.

    And she has a certified endorsement of the award winning BatBlog which correctly predicted 4 of the 5 contested Dem. races last week....

  6. Tina, did you not know that Goliath was a dad blasted aristocrat? Back in 432 A.D. Goliath was made a count of Versochovakia (no longer recognized) a small county on the Romanian border? (It was a reward for great feats in battle). Thus, Goliath is 'nobility' and Sheba el Al says Goliath is also "Untouchable" Goliath see very very well your aristocratic method.
