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Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's Time For a Change in the Clark Co. Assessor's Office

Clark Co. assessor incumbent (D) Vicky Kent Haire, who has served several positions in county government over the years faces newcomer local real estate agent  Martina "Tina" Webster (R). We thank Ms. Haire for her service but the BatBlog have noticed a steady decline in recent years in the customer service and help provided by the office,  The information and customer service from the Assessor's office is probably the most important of any county office, because they determine the value of ones property and the tax liability of property owners through out the county.  As anyone who owns property(real estate) knows, there are a lot of discrepancies and mistakes made in what is a complicated assessing process, and that is why good information and customer service is essential to this department.

  No one wants to pay more than their fair share of taxes and with the recent decline of the service and the explanations provided,we wonder if there aren't a lot of taxpayers paying more taxes than they should. Gone are the days when the local assessor or agent of the office would go home to home checking with the home owner for mistakes in things like sq. footage, no of rooms, etc. Now the work is outsourced, and it is up to the taxpayer on his own time to make sure things are correct and attempt to get a logical answer on why his assessment and taxes went up. And file and follow through on their own time any appeals process.

 That's why the BatBlog feels it's time for a change , Ms. Webster with her background in real estate, her understanding of property values and the reasons behind them is a perfect match for this office. She has already obtained her level 3 certification as a qualified assessor. she has all the qualifications, education (bachelor's degree from IUS), work experience, and the dedication to helping the public understand property taxes and values as demonstrated by her web site  which we encourage you to check out and we guarantee you has more information than provided by the current assessor's office, or any other government office on understanding how the assessment system works. Ms. Webster has also vowed to make customer service and public education her top propriety and extending office hours if possible for convenience to accommodate taxpayers, provide answers , and better educate the public....

 Ms. Haire ,as we said before we thank you for your service but she is also one of the good ole boys/girls  Galligan, Perkins, Rodden, Jacobi and company whose time has passed it's time for a younger , better educated assessor to meet the modern changes of real estate, taxes and assessments.

The BatBlog gives a strong endorsement to Martina "Tina " Webster for Clark Co. Assessor....


  1. And, let's not forget, we'll have the cutest assessor in the state!

    Go Martina!

  2. Tina will do as exactly as she says she will, she is a honest , caring person who will make a great public servant.

  3. Haire was awarded Assessor of the year in 2012 by the Indiana Coalition of Counties. But of course that's not good enough for HT when his buddy is running.

    Me personally, I'll take someone who has been recognized for their service in this office over someone who wants to use it as a political platform against TIFS.


  4. Most of those political awards are merely political BS, who kisses the most asses.

    If you want to vote for Haire that's fine,it's your choice. You're probably one of those obedient lemmings that dutifully pay their taxes without questions or answers about a flawed system.

    I want answers and don't get them in the current office. Martina will do a better job I'm confident of that...

    Stick with the good ole boy network, we've seen where that's got us ...

    1. Have some of our politicians made embarrassing mistakes? Absolutely. And would I vote for them again? No. But I'm not unhappy for the most part I'm happy with my elected officials as my wife and I can afford to live here very easily and are well on our way to retiring very comfortably living here. So why should I try to find problems where none exist for me.

      And Haire has not been involved in any scandal, so I refuse to lump her in with those that have. Even if you think we should just because you have had your petty squabbles with some politicians, that's not a good reason for the rest of us. Cry all you want over your misperceived injustices if you want, but I won't.

  5. Martina is a meticulous researcher and oozes with integrity. She's smart, tinacious and pleasant. She has the education, experience and specialized training for the job. We cannot go wrong voting Martina Webster for Assessor.

  6. It's time for new blood Clark County

  7. You don't want to lump Haire in with the good old boys Anon.? How about asking her about the one admitted felon and the other one charged with a felony who donated to her campaign.

    Guess who they are? Hint both politicians and both one of the good old boys and girls club.

    Haire has been in too long.

  8. Vicky might be qualified to be an assessor but she is a terrible manager in my opinion.

    The assessor's office needs training and a new leader. I think Martina would do a much better job as the leader of the assessor's office.

  9. Tina has been very generous to her opponent. Assessments have been easily available for public view since the Egis system went online. Some have been cleaned up but there were lots of shady under assessments for property's owned by the incumbent and her family and friends, and other politicians. That makes her a good old boy/girl, IMO.

  10. How much has Haire and her husband benefited from him being an appraiser? How often has she used his appraisal firm and did she file the required conflict of interest papers that are required?

  11. We need a lot of changes in Clark County. Martina will be a great choice for assessor. Good luck Martina!

  12. My assessment was NOT in line with my neighbors after researching on the county site. But I didn't know about the site and so it was wrong for years. When I did learn of the disparate assessment, I tried to get it corrected for all of the years. Of course it was too late. I think I am not the only one whose is wrong and would like to know how many have been wrongly assessed??? BTW, her office staff, I spoke with were useless. There was one Women who seem to be more knowledgable. I have been telling everyone to look on the site to see how theirs compare to similar ones in their when we are paying Ms K Haire AND a contractor can it be wrong!?? I don't see how this young lady could be worse. She has my vote!!

  13. Having owned quite a few properties over the years I have found the assessment process is only a little better than a crap shoot as far as the possibility of getting an accurate assessment.

    I know a lot of people just blindly pay their taxes and never question the accuracy of assessments or why their taxes went up.

    Don't be foolish, ask questions and demand answers...

    And that's the problem here in Clark Co., because the assessment work is outsourced, those working in the assessors office have no idea how to answer your questions. They'll give you some mumbo jumbo then had you an appeals form never offering to help you out.

    It's time for a change, ask any real estate agent or broker they hate dealing with this office compared to other counties like Floyd. where they can get a straight answer.

    Do all Clark Countians a favor and vote for Martina Webster for Assessor will be a change for the better...

  14. I absolutely agree with you HT! Tinacious will be great for Clark County!

  15. Anyone who doesn't lump Haire with the good ole boys is a fool. Rodden and T. Perkins both donated to her campaign fund and Haire's husband is an contracted appraiser surely everyone can connect the dots on that one.

    We have gotten ridden of a lot of the good old boys Myer, Perkins, Young, Galligan, Jacobi lets get rid of all of them Haire, Weber, Snelling out with the old in with the new.

  16. Good looking and feisty, what more could ya want?

  17. She shoulda used that as her slogan, "Good looking and feisty!"
