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Friday, October 17, 2014

Mac Spainhour Campaign Funding Charges

  ******************************** *******BREAKING UPDATE************************
Mr. Spainhour went to the voter registration office today and made sure his paperwork was in order. He will have the paperwork in hand at the next election board meeting next Thursday. The Secretary of State office seemed confident that Mr. Spainhour was now in compliance. This appears to be a case of an over anxious reporter seeking a sensational story  that he couldn't wait on to report. It also seems to be a case of typical political BS. The News/Tribune owes Mac Spainhour a story that Mac is apparently in the clear...
It would be hypocritical of the BatBlog (even though we support Mac) if we didn't report the Mac Spainhour alleged campaign financing violations reported in yesterday's N/T. These are serious accusations not to be taken lightly, but on the same behalf it appears to be an oversight or an instance of not knowing the finance laws. The laws for campaign financing are complicated and confusing, but that is not making an excuse for Mac. The stand up guy Mac is, he'll face up to it and accept responsibility if the mistakes were made. The timing and who reported the violation is suspicious, but that's another story....The BatBlog continues it's strong support for Mac Spainhour for Clark Co. sheriff...

For the N/T story CLICK HERE

For Mac's personal response to the accusations CLICK HERE


  1. So he used his own money in 2012 and 2013 running as an independent and failed to report it. Seems like the sheriffs candidates are playing dirty now. Especially if you rea the latest stories about all the candidates. I did like his response the best. Instesd of "next time I'll use my staff to move the furniture " or " it may not appear to pass the sniff test" he owned up to it and took responsibility. He helped make my decision. Seems like a stand up guy.

  2. Rumor has it that Brandy Woods is the girlfriend of Jamie Noels nephew. One would think Mr Noel's camp would be attempting to answer the questions that arose about the GOP Headquarters and the accusations about Mr Noel being a deadbeat dad for his 1st child that was listed in the BatBlog.

  3. Running as an Independent is more complicated. Officials don't know how it works.

  4. This is an ALMOST bullshit story JACKED up by Jamey Noel. Good luck claiming Noel wasn't behind it with his connections.

    Meanwhile, Jamey Noel still hasn't answered the questions raised about the UVFD, New Chapel and how many friends and family he has on the UVFD "PLAN"

  5. Agreed G. notice as well that Mac doesn't need an attorney by his side to answer questions. He answers and faces questions head on with 100% transparency by himself.

    Would Mr. Noel need an attorney by his side every time a decision is made if he were sheriff ???

  6. I know everyone is saying its a made up story, but it's not. There are very specific rules in place and he did not follow procedure. I can't believe he screwed up so bad. Buying political ads without a commitee in place? Is he insane? We have all seen a million ads saying who paid for them. He chose to run independent. It's his responsibility to make sure he knows what the procedure is. The funniest thing about all of this is the lack of support he had from his wife. I can't believe this guy just admitted that. He needs a spokesperson bad.

  7. Maybe you haven't seen how much his wife has been at every function? To say that she doesn't support him is a lie. The decision was made for him to run as a family but at the time she had shown concern with situations such as these. How do I know you ask? Well, because I called him and asked the same question. Don't think for a second that all three of these candidates ran without having a sit down conversation about it with their wives. The fact of the matter is that Mac Spainhour has never been a politician. He doesn't know the "ins and outs" of every obscure law that is related to elections. The laws are also different for third party candidates. This happens more than what the public realizes but sometimes it is made to be a bigger deal than other times due to the popularity of the race. So an independent paid for a couple ads.... Really? Come talk to me when he deputizes a prostitute, let's inmates out for personal gain for judges, or manipulates tax payer dollars to benefit the party he represents!

  8. Damn fine post anonymous.

  9. Just a sad pathetic move and it shows how clean Mac is. They have to attack ads he personally paid for. If this is the worst they can find then it just makes him look better in my eyes. And he said at the time his wife didn't support it. I don't know any sane wife who would be uneasy at first, this article shows why. Your opponents will try to attack anything and everything.

  10. Jamey Noel is behind it most certainly.

  11. Everyone needs to remember that 8 years ago when Mr. Spainhour ran, no one gave him any details, not even the democratic party he was supposed to be a part of. As with any election cycle, all eyes are focused on the candidate they feel is their golden ticket and the others are left to fend for themselves.

    When he decided to run this time, he didn't have any party to step up and tell him about the paperwork, or direct him to the right place to ask. That is the down side of running as an Independent. He didn't have a committee member with that knowledge join his group until November of 2013. He wasn't vetted by the Independent American Party until after the primary. From that point in November and forward, he has remained in compliance, including the digital billboard near the bridge, all the ridiculous paperwork for the gaming commission on his raffles and golf scrambles. I have seen all the paperwork. It's insane.

    To answer the comment about the disclaimer, on Friday a young lady from Jeffersonville showed me paperwork on a complaint she filed before the primary election about signs being incorrect and the disclaimer missing (including photographs of signs). She stated in that complaint that she was not looking for consequence or punishment, simply let the candidates know about the mistakes. She is a college student, studying elections, and wanted to remain anonymous. The response from the election committee basically said they would follow up on it with the candidates. No harm, no foul.

    So with that in mind, I would say everyone makes mistakes, even in this election. Why was it necessary to throw Mr. Spainhour under the bus? I know there is missing paperwork from other candidates, but I do not feel the need to crucify someone publicly like this. I think Mr. Spainhour is handling it well, and after seeing him this weekend, he is clearly unhappy with himself for the errors.

    Let's wait until the meeting this week and see how that comes out, then decide if he is a hardened criminal, or if he made an error like others this campaign season that haven't been thrown under the bus.

  12. I have to say, I witnessed Mac in action this weekend at Autumn on the River. They were lining up for the parade with the biggest flag I have ever seen! A gentleman just a few feet from them was obviously having a medical issue, maybe a seizure. Without missing a beat, Mac yelled at his walkers to take the flag, then he and Bo ran to assist until the ambulance arrived.

    When I witnessed everything that happened, saw the look on Mac's face and how quickly he reacted, I knew it was genuine concern. It was a split second reaction, he commanded what he needed, and took action. I was impressed. Mac has my vote, and has had it for some time now. He continues to prove himself worthy of my safety being placed in his hands.

  13. Mr. Spainhour was attacked for no cause... I have been a silent follower and I can no longer allow such petty and foolish to continue because of dirty politic on my behalf. Well here we go! I have been quite for many, many years about my daughter! So the statement made about Mr. Noel's 1st born is true! I have NOTHING to hide nor anything to gain. I'm sorry that my daughter has been exposed to all this political stabbing. She is a beautiful soul that had nothing to do with picking her parents...but what those parents impose on their child is their own fault!! I have no problem telling this story...and trust me it is a story of nothing but disappointment, shame and most of all SAD! So Mr. NOEL instead of buying MY daughter and all of a sudden crucial to make her a part of your family and your campaign should have been a man and come to me. .I do not appreciate your dirty secret becoming a part of my life and my daughter's life! On that note I cannot endorse your candidacy for sheriff! So to the people of Clark County I am open for statement I have nothing to hide. so instead of attacking the wrong person attack me! Mr. Spainhour has never meet me or had any conversation per se with me! Stop the bad politics please boys...keep your boots clean and you have no mud to sling!
    Kimberly Muncy

  14. No dog in this fight but I do look into things. Muncy is friends with Mrs. Collett but claims she doesn't know Mac Spainhour find that hard to believe. Two wrongs don't make a right and none of this has any business in politics. Collett serves Spainhour and the manner in which she serves him reflects him. Dirty politics no matter who does it is classless. The three candidates agreed to keep it clean but the supporters cant. The people of clark county should be ashamed, not of the three lawmen trying to represent them but of the actions of the citizens. Look at the qualifications of the lawmen. Look at their careers but leave their families out of it. Shame on people for even stooping to that level no matter the reasoning.

  15. "You can't drive down eastern Blvd without finding a taco" Mac Spainhour.

  16. That's ridiculous! I support everyone's ability to post anonymously, but you can't expect us to buy a random quote you attribute to a candidate.

    If that's how we're playing, "I am the law. Screw you serfs." Jamey Noel

  17. Watch the Sheriff's forum he said that quote regardless of the opinion you have.

  18. Thank you anonymous for bringing my name into the picture. It gives me the opportunity to clarify the connection between the Spainhour campaign and Kim Muncy that otherwise would not have been addressed.

    Last spring, we received a message on facebook that she wanted to meet with Mac. It came in overnight, which is when I am usually the one monitoring the page. She gave a little information about who she was, so I told her I would get the message to Mac.

    It was agreed that 2 committee members would meet with her and hear what she had to say. That meeting did take place, between myself, Ms. Muncy, and another committee member.

    She shared with us her feelings toward Mr. Noel, and that she felt it was important for her to support a candidate she felt was honest and honorable. We appreciated her support, and advised that the information about her relationship with Mr. Noel was not something we wanted associated with our campaign. She understood and agreed, and we left it at that.

    We advised Mac what was said, and how we left it with her. Mac then called Mr. Noel and let him know about the meeting and what was said, and that he wanted no part of any family drama associated with his campaign. Again, confirming we did not want a campaign season filled with mud slinging and blame. A couple of the committee members, including myself, accepted a friend invitation on Facebook from Ms. Muncy. Since your post on Tuesday, the entire committee has turned that off, and will no longer monitor or comment on her posts.

    To answer the question about Mac’s involvement, no – Mac Spainhour has never met or spoken to Kim Muncy. No dirty politics here. Most of the accusations could be cleared up before ever being posted if everyone would just ask the CANDIDATES the questions before starting all the drama. Mac has made it a point to publish his number, call him and ask him about rumors! (812) 786-2365.
    The question as to why Ms. Muncy is being so vocal at this point in the campaign is a question you should ask her.

    Christine Collett

  19. When he filed official papers to be a candidate he would have been given the contribution/expense/reporting papers. You state "it appears to be an oversight or an instance of not knowing the finance laws. The laws for financing are complicated and confusing." Yet when a former candidate had similar issues you were pushing for charges and citing the laws, even posting a link to the laws for all to see. It is very obvious mistakes were made. I only hope you agree the law does apply to everyone and would also support a special prosecutor being brought in to investigate these allegation as you did for Mr. Adams.

  20. Did you read the update birdbrain ?? Mr. Spainhour now is in compliance he will have his papers showing so at the next election board meeting...

    Adams plead GUILTY in a court of law, he didn't report his funding at all...

    You're comparing apples to hand grenades...go back to sleep until the election is over...

  21. B. Woods must have had to poop. She shot out of there like a dose of salts going thru a widow woman..and that garb she was wearing, she should have stayed and talked with the reporter,,I'm sure he had some questions for her...coulda,,woulda,,shoulda...just saying..

  22. Like a dose of salts going through a widow woman...

    The BatBlog, home of literature and stuff.
