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Monday, October 6, 2014

To the Libertarians and New Polls Up

New Election 2014 Polls Up ---------------------------------------->

The BatBlog received a message from Libertarian candidate for State Representatve Dist. 71 Russell Brooksbank asking why the Libertarians weren't included in the BatPoll. It was a mistake on my part and I apologize. Libertarians have a message and ideology that needs to be heard and it is sometimes overlooked in our basically two party system. I agree with some of their ideas of smaller governmental influence and  interference in our daily lives, but also strongly disagree with their stances on government programs like Soc. Security, Medicare and Medicaid. With that said they still deserve for their message to get out and be heard...

 I have included Mr.Brooksbank's  race against incumbent Dem. Steve Stemler in some new polls I have up, and have added a couple more races that were simply overlooked ...unfortunately the polls can't be edited once they are up.... there are Libertarian candidates in the Dist 2 County Council race Greg Hertzsch and Mike Frey in the 9th Dist. Congressional race please check out their candidacies and again apologies for the mistakes...


  1. the libertarians will probably regret for asking to be included in your poll.

  2. Russell is a good protest vote option for Dems upset with Stemler's stances on key issues. Russell is a pro-marriage equality Teamster.

    Another local blog is classlessly posting inaccurate things about two Libertarians. Russell does not hold a formal position within the Tea Party. He is the vice-chair of the Libertarian Party of Clark County.

  3. Thank you for including us Batman. I'm curious why we would regret being part of the process Anonymous? An even better question is why would the two parties, who have become one in my opinion, regret us being part of the process? Could it be that people are finally waking up and the stranglehold they have this country in is loosening?

  4. I am certain that no Libertarian will regret that someone asked to include us in a relevant poll. I am also appreciative that these polls were amended to included our candidates.

    Thank you,

    Karl Tatgenhorst
    Candidate for Secretary of State
    Libertarian Party of Indiana

  5. Is this a party of Librarians. Ghee, they must be really well read. And quiet at that. How refreshing.

  6. What is the libertarian posish on seat belt violations?

  7. No Mike Frey (L) for Congress?

  8. It's up to you whether to strap yourself into a car.

    The 9th District poll was already underway before HT realized his oversight.

  9. Mike Frey is an excellent alternative to Young and Bailey!!

  10. I will give you my position on seatbelt laws. If you are not violating someone's rights with your actions then the government has no business telling you what you must do. I also believe that if you make the personal decision not to wear a seatbelt then nobody but you should have to pay if you get hurt. Seatbelt laws do not protect anybody's rights. Seatbelt laws violate our right to freedom of movement and therefore should be struck down.

  11. I'm kind of curious where this blog is at that has given me a position I don't hold. I would love to be able to set the record straight. I guess it's a good thing. They wouldn't feel the need to lie about me if they did not feel threatened. At least, that's how I'll choose to take it.

  12. I'm glad Mr. Brooksbank has given us a choice in his race against Steve Stemler. Stemler has been a popular politician in the past but has upset a lot of people with his hard line stance against gay marriages...

    Likewise it is good to have an alternate choice in the Dist. 9 Cong. race...Mike Frey (L)

  13. You shouldn't have included the Libertarians. Might as well include write-in candidates. They both have the same chance of winning. The Libertarians have ruined the Republican party because they realized they couldn't win on their own. Wish they would leave the Repubs or find a short pier and take an extra step.

  14. To the last anonymous poster, that kind of comment needs more explanation. How have the libertarians ruined republicans exactly?

  15. That makes a lot of sense there Libertarian Hating Republican. Leave the Republicans, but don't have your own party. The short pier crack was telling.

    Republicans would rather people die than have different political views.

    Thanks for cluing Clark Co. in on Republicans being psychopaths.

  16. The Republican party would be dead now if not for the libertarian influence. Racist, gay-hating, rich, old white people are the MINORITY. It's Rand, Justin Amash, Thomas Massie and their ilk keeping you assholes relevant.

    Libertarians should leave the Republican party. Leave it to die.

  17. The Libertarian Party is a party with ballot access in the state of Indiana. We belong in the political arena along with the other parties. My vote, your vote, everybody's vote does not belong to any party. Our votes belong to us. The Republican Party blaming the Libertarian Party for their misfortunes is laughable. Every vote cast for our candidates is earned not stolen. We don't have the sense of entitlement that the other parties have. If the Republicans want more people to vote for them then I suggest they start doing things that more people agree with.

    1. I actually quit voting for Republicans once they started heading towards the Libertarians. Never voted for a Dem prez until the Reps put a tea bagger as their VP candidate.

      Libertarians are nothing but extremists.

  18. Beautifully put, Mr. Brooksbank.

  19. I'm curious as to what the anonymous poster that hates libertarians believes to be the difference between the republican and democrat parties?

    Specifically explain the difference between the parties in the 80s and also in 2000 when it was Bush vs Gore. What was the difference between the 2 candidates that made you republican then but not now?

    1. Well let's see here, in the 80's I was being born and watching the Smurfs.

      I preferred Bush's lower taxes, pro domestic drilling and foreign policy.

  20. If believing in a government of the people, by the people and for the people is extreme then you may label me so. If it is extreme to believe that using the force of government to compel others to follow my own moral code is tyrannical then guilty as charged. If believing that everyone of us have inalienable rights that should not be violated by anyone is extreme then lock me up. Liberty is always considered extreme by tyrants.

    1. Tyrant? I bet that everyone who knows would say quite the opposite. Actually more would say that I'm quite the servant. But if uninformed insults are the way you want to go, then good luck in November. There will be a winner and a LOSER.

  21. LMAO. Mr. Brooksbank didn't call you a tyrant, he just made a familiar statement about liberty.

    Anonymous doth protest too much!

  22. The shoe must fit!

  23. Says the person hiding behind the "Anonymous" sign. Childish attacks like you are perpetrating are straight out of the tyrants playbook. That's okay though. I support your right to your opinion. Like I said, if believing in liberty and justice for all makes me extreme then I'll proudly wear that label. Thanks to everyone else who have remained civil. If you have any questions of me or wish to learn more about why tyrants consider liberty extreme you may email me at I also have a FB page: Russell Brooksbank for State Representative and a website Sorry for the shameless plug HT, but I feel it is the only way to bow out gracefully. I refuse to stoop to my attacker's level. Again, thank you for the opportunity to at least inform the voters of District 71 of the choice they get to make November 4th.

  24. Good luck Mr. Brooksbank and thanks for your comments. You and any other candidate who wishes to send me a policy or issue paper on how they stand on pertinent issues I will more than happy post it.

    I also encourage everyone to at least checkout Mr. Brooksbank's facebook page or website. There is no GOP candidate in this race so the choice is between Mr. Brooksbank and Stemler you owe it to your responsibility as a voter to at least check out his stance on the issues...

    I disagree with a lot of the Libertarian ideology but believe in their right to speak and share it....

  25. And about that no Republican in the race...

    What's up with that? Scared? Bench not deep enough? Sweet on the Democrat incumbent?

    Lame move for a "major" party.

  26. after reading this thread, I'll be voting Libertarian. Thank you Republican party for showing your true colors and ignorance.

  27. Looks like the libertarians aren't regretting anything.

  28. Thanks to everyone that voted for me in the poll. Now let's do the same thing Tuesday!

  29. And, no, I did not regret asking to be included. I've found a nice blog to participate in even after the election.
