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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Which Is It Jamey ??? Noel Changes His Answer....

Seems like Rep. sheriff candidate Jamey Noel forgot about his announcement of his candidacy or at least where he made it. Reversing course Noel told the News/Tribune that actually there were political events held at the New Chapel EMS/GOP headquarters in 2013 including his announcement he was running for Clark Co. sheriff. This is contrary to what he told the N/T earlier. Anything else you forget Mr. Noel ??? or should we ask your attorney ???

 Possibly just a oversight but the famous words seem to apply here "Initially it appears not to pass the smell test"...We agree....


  1. Riddle me this HT.

  2. I have heard a lot of negative comments from people who had contact with Mr. Noel in the past. Now I see why, I hope the voters in Clark County see what a terrible mistake it would be to put this guy in the top Law Enforcement spot in the county. Truly the fox in the hen house. I Back Mac

  3. ya think the reason Noel forgot the truth, was because he knew the GOP didn't pay rent in 2013?

  4. $400 for the year is a good deal! Have a"Victory Center." Store your shit. Lock the door. Only pay for meeting times. Looking for a bargain rental, call the utican fire department.

  5. Just like the way he manufactured the bullshit story on Spainhour. He had his newphew's girlfriend who has the brains of an adolescent file these bogus charges nitpicking his paperwork to draw attention away from his own shady dealings. Then acted like he knew nothing about it. He is dangerously deceptive and a bold faced liar.

  6. How can anyone who refused to take care of his own first child then turn around and say he purchased a building with the Boy Scouts in mind and then repeatedly talk about how much he cares for the youth of Clark County? That care would start at home if it was real.

    In my opinion he is a pathetic Police officer and has absolutely no morals. If he is willing to use family in such an underhanded fashion to win the election, what will he stoop to if he is the Sheriff? He is a real loser, GOP's should really think about a new chairperson (if they have the guts)

  7. Clark County, gotta love it!

  8. Great Idea on a new GOP County Chairman, Brian Glover would be excellent.

  9. Bryan Glover would make a good county chair or vice chair. Either of the Stephensons would also be great for those positions.

    Most worship at the Noel altar so sadly I do not think they have the guts.

  10. In my opinion, the real losers are the taxpayers whose money was used to purchase this property. The revenue that could have been collected from renting that space out could have bought more equipment and training. Instead, it was spent on political gain. Shouldn't those humans we hire to run our government be more interested in protecting our rights than amassing political power? I don't know. Maybe I'm strange, but I still think our tax dollars should be spent in ways that serve us not those who would be King.

  11. I have researched all canidaites for Clark county sheriff and I must say Mr.Noel will not get my vote!!!! Hasn't Clark county had enough embarrassment???? Mr.Noel is another one way ticket to live breaking news another Clark county sheriff' has been arrested!!!! I back Mac...really is there another choice. Check out the people you are voting for!!!!!

  12. To bash any of these three men is sad. They have all dedicated their lives to service. To bash these people like the people on this blog have says far more negative about the people of this county then it does the three of them. I feel bad for them and there family's because of the way the people on here have acted. Simply pathetic to treat three distinguished lawmen with great records in this way.

  13. It is appropriate to BASH Jamey Noel.

    1. Used a not for profit to buy a GOP HQ. He is trying to excuse it by paying 200 dollars a himself in the UVFD.

    2. He commited election fraud by not slating duly elected delegates because they did not agree with him in 2012.

    3. He attempted to "BUY OFF" his illegitimate daughter to support his campaign ..or at least "keep quiet"

    4. He uses his vast organization to fund family and friends and compel loyalty with money.

  14. So, we're not supposed to question the motives or decision making ability of those we elect? This is part of the process. I believe Jamey has thick enough skin to take criticism. If he doesn't then I definitely would not want him in a position of power. Yes, all three men are qualified and I have no doubt that Jamey is an excellent officer. I do question his ability to separate his quest for political gain from his duties to the citizens of this county. I have two questions for Mr. Noel. What is the fair market value of the rent for the space in question? Was it advertised for rent during that off year?

  15. Just because the three have "dedicated their lives to service" is no reason not to share what we know that disqualifies them for sheriff. They haven't served for free or without power and other rewards. We owe it to ourselves and each other to honestly vet the candidates.

  16. Was any and all GOP property moved out of the space in 2013? If not, how can he say it wasn't still used as HQ? If I spend most of the year traveling, do I still have to pay my landlord rent, or can I just calculate what I think I owe him for the time I was home and pay him that?

  17. I think Mr. Brooksbank has a good point. I know that the Fire Department and EMS services are private companies, but they are contracted to perform a public service and paid for with public funds. Are there no rules against using public funds to support a political party?

  18. Old Town Grocery GirlOctober 22, 2014 at 2:30 PM

    Jamey "Sopranoel" has a web that reaches far and wide.

  19. I like how Jamey talks about himself being a family man, but in reality when he travels without his family he likes to go to strip club's. What kind of family man does that?
