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Friday, January 24, 2014

BatBlog Exclusive - HT Talks to Former Drug Court Participant

The BatBlog talked with a former Drug Court participant  a couple of days ago, it was not anyone involved in the current controversy. Speaking on the promise of anonymity this young person had mixed feelings about his participation in the program. The participant while thinking drug court was a good idea with good intentions thought the overseeing by some of the employees  was at times heavy handed bordering on harassment. Feeling that why participants need to be monitored, there should also be positive reinforcement for self help that the Drug court was seriously lacking. This participant didn't know the parties or details of the recent story in the news but said that he could see that as possibly happening. He had nothing but praise for the halfway house he resided in while in the drug court program. Residents had duties and chores required of them as well as meetings and it was a positive experience of reinforcement of helping those with their addictions. On the same behalf he thought administrators of the drug court were just waiting for them to fail and applied more tension to his recovery, then was  actually needed....

******************UPDATE MORE CONTROVERSY AT DRUG COURT ********************

Just in more controversy at Judge Jacobi's Drug Court

Story at :Drug Court Contoversy "A Big Screwup"  

Note: For those who are blocked from the News/Tribune Site the young woman pictured was jailed for over 5 months due to an alleged mistake by Judge Jacobi. She was originally only supposed to serve 2 days. According to the article the young woman was incarcerated without a hearing or counsel...A civil lawsuit maybe filed...


  1. HT hope you post how to view the blocked evening news site soon. I am not subscribed and cant read the story you linked.So far it is not on any of the other news sites.

  2. Anon. The BatBlog will post a more detailed way of viewing blocked sites like the News/ Tribune later. But here's a quick easy tip, if your on a laptop tilt your screen to various angles... at certain angles the text behind whited out screen can be made out fairly easily...hope this helps and watch for more detailed tips for viewing blocked sites later on the BatBlog

  3. Keep up the good work Hooisertaxpayer. These programs are suppose to help people. Sometimes this is all the hope as person has. It's obvious the wrong people were put in charge. Looks like 3 civil suits will hit Clark co because of the abuse of power. While I am a taxpayer as well... The cost of that makes me sick. But I cannot blame the participates. That's why you should never vote for a name. Do your homework has a voter!

  4. Looks like the chic could use a' I know JUS' the dude 'at could help'er out.....hahahahaha......

  5. Dude this chick might be rich too..after her attorney(s) sue the shit out of Clark County...

  6. if they done 'at.......I hope she cleans they clock......

    (dude use ta be HARD on juv'niles, too......trus'me....LOL....)
