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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Top Ten Local Internet Stories 0f 2013 - No. 7 - NHBSM unmasked

 2013 was the year the local internet community finally figured out NHBSM (Not Honest But (thinks he's) Super Mike) for what he is. After supporting the last 2 mayors TG and MM before the election and spouting all over the internet about the 2nd coming in regards to MM. NHBSM turned on them quicker than you can say "phoney". After kissing both candidates asses before the election, but when NS found out that neither mayor elect had a place for him in their administrations, NS flip flopped and turned on them like a rabid dog, filing the internet with malicious personal rumors and tittering over his school boy sexual innuendos.  Yeah NS the internet community has you figured out, a politician groupie whose exaggerated self importance just doesn't fly. Beware local politicians if NS comes hanging around, sometimes with his camera or in disguise.....he'll turn on you in a heartbeat.


  1. The internet community figured out NSBHM a long time ago, he is a want to be, but never will be.

  2. You dont see much of NSBHM on the Chatter anymore, GrumpyGranny has kind of put him in his place a time or two. Every body sees him for what he is. A know it all who spends too much time worrying about Jeff politics.

    He's as crooked and two faced as the politicians he follows around like a lost puppy dog.

  3. Before NSBHM turned on Moore so quickly I thought he was pretty legit following all the in and outs of local government.

    I think a lot of people lost respect for him when after promoting Moore's campaign so hard, then to turn on him less than a month after he was in office.

  4. I agree Anon., I used to give NH the benefit of doubt myself. If anyone wants to go to all those boring ass political meetings, I question what kind of life they have....

    And I agreed with NH about Galligan he is a buffoon...but when he turned on MM less than two months in office after glorifying for 2 years. I knew there was something wrong with this dude, and following around Galligan and the Perkins with a camera...You have to wonder about the dude's mental state...

  5. Mike hangs out with a few local judges. So he will not comment or bring light to any of the corruption at the Courthouse. I witnessed it myself. I will never believe what he says anymore.
