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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Prolonged Execution

An interesting and somewhat gruesome story out of Ohio yesterday. I've never been a big proponent of the death penalty but after reading and watching this guy's story. I couldn't find myself being sympathetic at all toward him, maybe his family who watched the execution a little bit....But can you imagine the terror and pain the young pregnant victim felt for probably longer than the 15 minutes it took to execute this dude....
Sorry dude but may you rot in hell....and sorry your execution didn't take about an hour longer....

Link to the written story  :  prolonged execution

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  1. There are so many mistakes made in our justice system. I wonder how many have been put to death that weren't guilty.

  2. Yeah ... none of them are guilty.
    Just ask 'em. (extreme sarcasm)

    If anything heinous were to happen to my friends or family, I don't want the courts to 'handle it'.
    That would be my prerogative.

  3. Did'n suffer long 'nuff,IMO......I'd brought 'at sumbich ta the edge o' death ......then wake'im up,an' do it a'gin......2-3 days o' that.....ehh, be SOME rest'tution,I rec'n.....STILL would'n be 'nuff.....azzwipe....
