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Friday, January 3, 2014

HT's Take - The Moore Issue

About the only thing keeping the CCC alive recently is the speculations, accusations over the recent run in between local ex politician/ businessman Chuck Moore, his daughter and former tenant Mark Scott , a local barber. Not knowing all the facts, here's "My Take" on the incident.

  It appears that Mr. Scott a former tenant left behind some furniture and other possessions in Mr. Moore's property after moving to a different location. As a landlord myself if the tenant left possessions behind Mr. Moore is certainly within his right to move said possessions to the street and have the Jeff Street Dept. dispose of these items. I have done this myself on occasion.

 There seems to have been an altercation between Mr. Scott and Mr. Moore recently over this issue where threats were allegedly made and possibly physical contact. This appears to be a he said , she said situation, that the police after responding took no actions. Again this seems like the proper action by the JPD, no charges were filed just a verbal confrontation with conflicting stories.

 Finally there seems to have been an on going battle on social media (Facebook, Twitter) between Mr. Scott ant the Moore's particularly Mr. Moore's daughter. Knowing Mr. Scott he can be very relentless and obnoxious with the social media and the internet, but Ms. Moore certainly showed a serious lack of judgement and maturity by posting an obvious taunt at Scott over Twitter. I'll give Ms. Moore a pass though because we've all done something we regret in our early 20's... If this hadn't been the Moore's this would be a non issue it happens everyday. But it does make a good story, everyone loves gossip....but all in all no big deal....Anyway that's HT's Take...


  1. Well, HT, you're probably right. And I admit I went a bit overboard with it, but it peeved me to no end to see the young adult involved being referred to as a "kid" or a "little girl." If this had been an average citizen and their early twenties son who pulled such a public stunt and it ended up on the CCC or any other local site, I have no doubt that they would not have been treated with the same "kid gloves" that some tried to insist on handling the Moores with. The son would have been excoriated by many for "flipping the bird," "flashing gang signs," and being an obvious "thug," especially if they weren't white - the thinly veiled racist comments that have been from time to time on the CCC are disgusting. But, to be fair, I seem to be getting crankier and crankier these days, so maybe I just let it get on my nerves too much.

  2. It was a classless act I agree Cindi, but on the same behalf we don't know how much BS M.Scott has been giving the Moores on social media...and knowing Scott he probably pushed the envelope too far and got what he deserved...

    That and she is a young adult and I really think she got more heat because she is a Moore...hopefully she learned a valuable lesson...that we all learn as age and experience teaches us

  3. Oh yeah, I completely agree about the beastly barber. I've had the unfortunate experience of reading some of the absolutely disgusting things he's posted in the past. I even found myself at one point defending my old enemy from his filth. Ugh! This will die down with time and, like you said, hopefully the young woman will learn a valuable lesson about what she chooses to publicly post on the internet.

  4. Yeah Cindi the barber's a jerk, what the young Ms. Moore also has to realize their are idiots out there like NHBSM, Kruger, K. Vissing who like to try to play guilty by association (in this case family) on the mayor.

    They will try to create any type of controversy to swing back to the mayor no matter how personal or sleazy , they try to spin it back to make the mayor look bad...

    Something she needs to be aware of...
