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Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Bunch of Tight Asses on Jeff City Council ??? Or Moore Politics ???

  What do we have on the Jeffersonville city council a bunch of tight asses ??? or is it more politics as usual ??? Monday night the council delayed the vote on the riverfront "marina" project due to several member's concerns about the cost of the project. Are these councilman truly fiscally conservative or they playing more political games in order to delay one of mayor Mike Moore's pet projects ??? The BatBlog thinks the answer is the latter .... The core of the council that is doing the complaining are Smith, Samuels and councilman Julius (a declared candidate for mayor). Smith and Samuels are part of the earlier council that spent money like drunken sailors under former mayor Galligan and the BatBlog is pretty sure Julius didn't have a problem with the City frittering away over a million bucks on the lousy ass landscaping job along Hwy. 62, that benefited his business.

 With several of mayor Moore's projects  coming to fruition like the Big Four Landing, and Gateway hotel project, it appears that the mayor's political enemies have made a consorted effort to either stop or delay the projects in anticipation of next years mayoral election.

Mike "Tightwad" Smith
The riverfront is one of the prime assets of the city and right now it is a dilapidated embarrassment. Whether you avail yourself or not of the boat docks or planned fishing pier the riverfront is one of the gateways to the city  and the aesthetics to this area are vital. Pleasant and beautiful landscaping and appearance will go a long way to attracting visitors who will spend money at local businesses. Louisville has wisely spent multi millions on their riverfront and the transformation is amazing and is money well spent.

Meanwhile our city council wants to remain in the dark ages sitting on their wallets, complaining and generally holding up progress. How many millions did we spend on the canal planning and engineering that was washed right down the proverbial drain. It's time for this council to get off their collective asses and approve this project. They should even expand it to include all the features originally wanted (multiple permanent and transient boat docks, fishing pier, landscape development) no matter what the cost. It would be the smart thing to do, but that would be a stretch when you look at some of the members we have on the council...

A voice of reason on a somewhat lost City council
A voice of reason in this issue was councilman Bryan Glover who said the council needs to be careful limiting what the city is allowed to do on this project he also stated the city of Jeffersonville is fortunate in the fact to have 3 gateways into the city and we need to do it right the first time...

Truer words were never more said.....kudos to Bryan Glover for telling it like it is...


  1. Last administration HT says we spend too much money.

    New administration HT says we need to spend more money.

    But it's only the council that's playing politics. Right.

  2. Well there's a big difference spending money wisely on something that's needed than just pissing it away. The last administration pissed away millions on the "canal" folly. Then pissed more away on the garish , pitiful, overdone Hwy. 62 landscape job, and let's not forget the million dollar lawsuit for firing the sewer plant managing company.

    You could have the marina project done practically free if you had the money pissed away by the former administration on the projects just mentioned.

    Instead we have nothing to show for the money but a bunch of overgrown ugly ass plants that costs the taxpayers more just to maintain...

    I have no political ties or allegiances... I just tell it like it is

    1. You have a "I got annexed so I'm going to be pissy to any one I blame for that" allegiance.

      As far as the canal goes, it was project to turn a negative into a positive. Just follow the city Twitter account and see how little rain it takes before it announces that we are dumping raw sewage into the river. You will be shocked how little rain it takes.

  3. HT says " no matter what the cost.". I think not !

    A project that has no plan, no permit(s), no management, no timeline - has no business being put upon the taxpayer.

    Kudos to the "no" votes on the counsel.

    Also... just tell it like it is !!

  4. There aren't any "no" votes dumbass they haven't voted on it yet....
    There are plans, the permits have been applied for the details only need to be worked out...
    It will happen and you if you pay taxes you will help pay for it.....

    The council not "council" will only be able to stall so long but they may scale back the project...
    Its hard to argue with some dumbass who doesn't know the facts...are you a city council member ???

  5. Ouch batman that hutr😊

  6. It's harder than hell to get anything done in Jeff when you have to wait for all the politicians to weigh in with their opinions.
    Then you have idiots like Hutt who is suing to stop the hotel project.
    Welcome to nowheresville.
