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Friday, March 21, 2014

A Perfect Example .... the Ugliness in Politics Jeffersonville Style.... Attack Dog Politics

Douche Bag, Dumbass, Dick , Babbling JackAss, Jagoff , Batshit crazy loyal Kool-aid drinkers, loyal idiots, Mayor Prophylactics ....These are just some of the words used by former City Councilman Keith Fetz describing Jeffersonville's mayor and  local voters and citizens....

The BatBlog  has over the years tried to point out  the ugliness of Jeff politics past and present. Well the ugliness was never  on such a  vivid display as Wednesday when  former  City Councilman Keith Fetz  posted a maniacal personal rant on GAW about  Mayor Mike Moore.  To view Fetz's rant >>>>>Click Here

   Mayor Moore has had  problems in his first 3 years some personal, some political, and some self inflicted. His political battle with the City Council has been well documented in the media and discussed here on the the BatBlog.  While MM's decisions haven't always been wise and mistakes have been made he doesn't  deserve the borderline obscene , ugly , viscous and resentful  attack by Mr. Fetz. It was in most respects  disgusting, crude with juvenile bathroom humor added for maximum effect.

  I posted a response to Mr. Fetz's rant in the comment's section knowing full well that Fetz would turn his foul mouth, immature rant in my direction. I must admit in my comment, I added a few sarcastic personal references that I knew from past experiences would put Fetz into full attack mode. Yeah I kind of baited him and pulled his chain a little.

"Did you hear what Moore said"
 I just want for everyone to see what a political candidate is up against in this City. Even if you win an election  by a comfortable margin , there's no let's try to work together for the betterment of the City attitude from the loser(s), your open to viscous attacks no matter how hard you try to reach out to them, or even if you attempt to do the best job that you can.  Unfortunately and it pains me to say it because I'm a lifelong Democrat, but it's most prevalent actually almost exclusive to the Democratic party, especially this last administration and their followers.

You say well politics is politics, that is true and everyone is entitled to their opinion and criticism of politicians comes with the territory. On the same behalf  there are boundaries of good taste which judging from from Mr. Fetz's rant is beyond the scope of his mentality. There is also the issue of truth, Fetz's claim that the proposed trip to Florida was nothing more than a vacation for the Moore family, yet he  provides not a shred of evidence that it is in fact true. Mr. Fetz  I'm going to take page out of your book for a moment and declare you  a LIAR...

Councilman Fetz
 It's a pretty sad state of affairs of our local political scene to see this type of behavior from anyone especially a former elected official. It shows how easy it is for someone with a low character and values to be elected here locally. So when you go to the polls in May or November be careful we don't need anymore Keith Fetz type of politician.... Lets elect people who win or lose will work for the betterment of the City...Let's get rid of the Keith Fetzes of the political world forever....

 ***note***  As always the BatBlog offers Mr. Fetz or anyone to respond to any commentary within the BatBlog....Mr Fetz I know you follow thr BatBlog the floor is yours...


  1. The dem.s need to put a muzzle on Fetz they are in enough trouble without him running his big yap.

  2. Check the expressions in the last photo! Lmao.

    Fetz hurt CW's feelings with his rant last time. The mean little trick.

  3. So I read the whining over at GAW, and all I have to say is that anyone against tight shirts is a DICK!

  4. Why do you keep defending your boy Moore HT, he is as arrogant as Galligan.

  5. Riverboat can't even come up with your own insults, originality obviously isn't your strong suit...

  6. Actually I'm not defending Moore at I just wonder why guys like Fetz can't just accept that Galligan lost and move on.

    Sure Moore has been arrogant and hasn't handled the differences with the Council very professionally. OK so vote him out next election.

    But when some imbecile like Fetz goes on a rant it only shows how stupid and negative the whole political scene is here locally.

    But it does show one positive proves what a moron Fetz is...

  7. Mayor Tight shirt...not a whine...more of a Legacy
