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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Politics and Politicians Part II .... Local Politicians

Don't get me wrong in the many years of observing, participating and voting in the local political scene I have met and knew some true public servants, that were sincere in serving the public, wanting to make a difference, and improving this area. Richard "Rich" Vissing (D) (mayor of Jeffersonville),  Dick Wathen (R) (State Rep.) and  Lee Hamilton (D) (Congressmen 9th Dist.) come quickly to mind from my early days of the political experience as selfless, humble men who led by example and who truly cared about constituents ideas and opinions. Dale Orem (R). former mayor of Jeffersonville was another who impressed me. There are others of course but these have stood out for me.

   Unfortunately for every one those good public servants you have a disproportionate amount of self absorbed political hacks. Who like to be in parades, hear themselves pontificate and feel important. In other words in it for themselves, not you and I. Locally we've had our share over the years personified by "do it my way or the highway" guys like Tom Galligan and "Toxic" John Perkins both legends in their own minds. Smug,  self absorbed , who were both advanced only by the out of touch local Democrat machine with all of it's mostly dysfunctional and outdated players. Thank goodness we've moved forward somewhat...Perkins will be put out to pasture after this upcoming election to join Galligan who now mostly just sits on insignificant boards to prop up  his ego, put their by cronies he amassed over the years.

  Are we doomed politically here locally ???  Not entirely the GOP has risen from nowhere to put some nice candidates into office recently.  The jury is still out as politics has a tendency to swallow up and taint even the most promising new office holders. I had a lot of good feelings about Mike Moore originally ,but personal problems and the constant back and forth between him and the Stooges on the City Council have lessened his potential. There is some good new blood on the City Council, all the new members the last elected other than Julius have at times impressed me. Unfortunately the leadership of the Council are the holdover Galligan fossils plus Julius who are more intent on political maneuvering that maneuvering the City forward.

 The County also placed some vibrancy into the political scene locally I've really been impressed by Rick
Stephenson, Kelly Khuri, Brian Lenfert , Susan Popp and Steve Doherty. These people really have their work cut out for them with the botched efforts of former office holders before them who have put the financial situation into nearly disastrous levels to go along with mandates and the drug court fiasco which is yet to play out.

  Moving  forward if we are to elect and keep solid, honest leaders and office holders who are there to serve us, we  the public especially the younger people have to get more involved, more participation, and better educated about who we are electing. I have seen this starting to improve recently, unfortunately not as much in my party the Democrats.


  1. Personally I would love to see at least two people running for each position. This gives us a choice and helps to hold people to their word. The only way, in my opinion anyway, is for the Republican Party to continue to move forward and step up to the plate. Also the voters themselves need to understand there can be long lasting effects for all of us based on who we vote into office. All you have to do is look at the current disasastorus sate of affairs we now find ourselves in. These are consequence of past elections and will cost tons of money for years to come. Vote smartly.

  2. For years the Democrats got away with good ole boy candidates and lousy public servants . They can't get away with it anymore. A new day has come.

  3. Dang HT kind of hard on some of our fellow Dem.s and politicians in general. LOL

  4. Sometimes you just gotta say the truth. You go HT!

  5. Just call em like I see em. JP might be the smartest guy in Clark Co. politics but he has the personality of a slug. Any conversation he gives the impression of his self imagined superior intellect...Like a lot of politicians after campaigning time it's all about them...

  6. Yeah Anon. I would like to see 2 people running in both primaries. Give voters a choice in their respective parties and then again in the general election in the fall...
