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Friday, March 14, 2014

On Hunting, Hunters and Animals

 The last couple of posts about hunting and fishing rights and Biker Dude losing one of his pets stirred some thoughts on hunting and hunters. When I was younger and having been brought up in a hunting family , I hunted extensively (deer, rabbit, squirrel). It was ingrained in me, just something that was done. As I grew older and I guess more aware, I became more sensitive to life I found hunting to be less and less sporting, interesting and enjoyable. Some would probably say soft, but I found it distasteful to take the life of a living creature.

 While hunting was necessitated out of a need to provide food in early days of man that is not so much the necessity today. Over the years I've found that a lot of hunters have the macho obsession of killing being manly and just for the sake of shooting something, the food is an after thought and actually not important.

Of course I get it cows, pigs, chickens are killed daily to provide food, and for safety and preservation the deer population probably needs to be thinned and regulated. I just have over time developed a distaste for hunters that sit in their little heated cabins waiting for an innocent deer to wander by in order to blow it away with high powered rifles with powerful scopes, I just see no sport in that....I just see the beauty and gracefulness of a deer or all wildlife for that matter.

 On the same behalf I haven't achieved the same affinity for fish. I love fishing and the outdoors and there nothing like frying up fresh catch after a day on the lake. Looking in the eyes of a fish just isn't the same as the eyes of a deer. Sorry about that fish ...I just don't feel same about you...Bon Apetite'