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Monday, March 24, 2014

Out With the Old in with the New

In about 6 weeks will be going to the polls for the primaries to Nov's general election.It's time Clark Co. we've been embarrassed enough by our local politics and politicians. Lawsuits, illegal actions, corruption, inaction we've seen it all the last several years. It's time for a new day to rise and bring respectability to the Clark Co. courthouse. Out with the old and in with the new. let's flush the old worn out guard the Perkins, Galligan, Jacobi and all their cronies out to retirement and usher in a new wave of some fresh faces. Fresh, young ,energetic faces to wash the bad taste of politics out of our mouths and start a new generation of public service and contributions by the young generation.

Let's elect Laura Harbison to replace Jacobi...Jeremy Mull to replace Steve Stewart....David Abbott to replace "Toxic" John Perkins ....Mac Spainhour to replace Danny Rodden .....Martina "Tina" Webster to replace Vicki Kent-Haire.... William Perry McCall to replace  Monty Snelling

Lets also elect and reelect some veterans who have earned our trust with their public service like Dan Moore and Susan Popp and Bryan Lenfert...

Let's turn Clark County around....
be sure and vote...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (psst, it's Mac Spainhour) :)

  3. Most of those named have an excellent shot at winning. Tina will have a tough race with Kent-Haire. Kent-Haire has been around a long time and I don't recall of any controversy or scandal out of her office.

    McCall might have a tough time against Monty Snelling as well. McCall's personal problems might hurt him.

  4. Good Job HT fun to see the poll.

  5. How about Snelling's personal problems...Bankruptcy? Son in trouble? Suing the City?

  6. Personal problems mean nothing to HT and I've heard Mr. McCall is doing well. He is well qualified and here'e wishing him good luck in the Fall...

  7. Kent- Haire has been around a long time, but Tina Webster brings good qualifications and the background to make an excellent Assessor.

    Nothing personal against Ms. Haire but every time I leave the Assessor's office I'm more confused than when I went in...

    Time for a change....

  8. lets friggin clean house
