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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Politics and Politicians Part I... Local Politics

After I proofread this I didn't realize how dark and pessimistic it was when I wrote it. Hell it sounds like The State and National Forum of the Clark County Chatter. There are some good politicians/public servants here locally and I will touch on them later in Parts II and III(?). So bear with the dark tone it does get better....

Local Politics and Elections

With the County primaries just around the corner and this being an election year I thought I would touch on "Politics and Politicians." Politician is probably the only job in America that requires no qualifications (other than age requirements for some national offices) no experience,no training, and no know how. In some states you are not even required to have a law degree to be a judge. That's right in some states it's easier to be a judge than a cosmetologist.  In most cases, especially in local politics, the election is a popularity contest between candidates who can kiss the most asses, while smiling and pretending  to people  that they care about our opinions and what we think....  It really helps to have a common name and have had one your relatives before you (with the same name) that has held office previously. It doesn't matter if your dumber than a rock, if you have several of the above mentioned things going for you more than likely "You're Elected"....

After Being Elected

  Now that they are elected and again I'm speaking of local politicians (national politics later). Most become the smartest (in their own mind), most knowledgeable (again in their own mind) about every facet and area of government. Not only that, but remember how important "your" opinion was when they were pandering for your vote, well all of a sudden it's not that important anymore. And all that time they took answering your questions or just talking  pre-election ,  well now they don't have the time and they'll get back with you on that. Plus because they are elected now , the automatically know what's best for you and your community,  because they are privy to information that you can't understand or aware of. Yeah it's a whole different ballgame.... campaign time and after election.

My View

Your probably thinking well he's got a cynical view of things. You're damn right I do, because I've met and been condescended to by too many arrogant elected officials and politicians over the years. I  am a pretty good judge and have a pretty good feel for people, and I can count on less than two hands the sincere , public servants that are genuine about what they are doing and really care about the individual voter. Most that I have met are in it to satisfy their own  self inflated egos and try and  magnify  their self exaggerated sense of importance.

I know you're thinking what a negative tone, and bitterness. Well I speak from the heart and my experiences but I will lighten things up a little bit tomorrow or when I continue this,  due to time constraints later
I will touch upon individual politicians and have actually some good things to say about some of  them, others not so much...



  1. I don't think your post is too dark as a matter of fact it seems spot on concerning our local politicians, nice job.

  2. When you consider that usually less than 40% of the registered voters vote, and of those 40% probably only 25% actually know anything about who they are voting for. You don't need to fool many people in order to get elected locally.

  3. True that, and most of our little local politicians are fools, blahhhh.

  4. dark tone is right the state of CC politics has always been dark and always will be.
