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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Adventures of Mr. Windbag

  1. 1.
    a person who talks at length but says little of value.

  Hell has frozen over,  the BatBlog and Jeffersonville's resident Mr. Windbag NHBSM agree on something .... "Toxic" John Perkins. The only thing about NH is that he flip flops on everything. First he was against the Canal and everything ex-mayor Galligan did. After campaigning over 2 years for Mike Moore in one day (the day M. Moore fired him) NH dropped Moore like an ugly blind date. Now according to NH,  (in that one day) Mike Moore has replaced Galligan as worst mayor ever and now Galligan was a great leader and the canal a great idea.

 NH (Not Honest) originally thought the Haven House should pay their own sewer bills and they shouldn't be given a break by City government. Now another flip flop... city government needs to cut the HH a special rate and forgive the past due balance. Councilmen  Smith, Sellers, Ed Z., Fetz were once mere puppets for Galligan, and a tax and spend  Council. Now that they oppose everything  Moore proposes, they are wise, responsible leaders that think on their own and are fiscally responsible. Mr. Windbag was once a staunch, loyal Democrat who ran for precinct committeeman but when he lost that appointment he flipped to a Rep.and was seen at Rep. victory party cheering on Mayor elect Moore.  What is Mr. Windbag this year, well you would think after ditching Moore he would be a Dem. again well he's recently been bad mouthing Perkins and the Dem.'s on the Chatter. So who knows but whatever he is or whoever he supports, it's only a matter of time before he goes in the opposite direction....


  1. I don't buy into anything Hutt puts out it's all personally motivated. He wants to be somebody of importance so bad, yet all he manages to do is make him self look like a fool by changing his position on everything.

  2. If you notice before MM canned his ass Moore could no wrong. Ever since then everything Moore does is wrong. NSBHM is nothing but phoney.
